"String Theory" Babies List

Feb 12, 2009 16:53

Firefly list of the crew's kids in the future

Bonny Washburne
Merriweather Lynn (Merrilynn) Tam
Michael Cobb
Peter Tam
Mallory Serra-Reynolds
Leonidas Roy (Leroy) Tam
Ryan and Riley Cobb
Bobby Tam
Darrin Serra-Reynolds

Around the time of "String Theory", Michael's about sixteen, so Bonny's eighteen or nineteen. (She's approximately two years and seven months older then him.)

Info About Name Choices:
I wanted to name all Kaylee and Simon's kids like Kaylee (Kaywinnit Lee), but I had trouble thinking of names for boys. Since there's Gabriel and Simon in the Tam family, though, I thought Peter worked along that theme. And Bobby... Oh poor Bobby. He's adorable and sweet but the poor boy's about as dumb as a post. Heh. They're not sure whether his genius is waiting to emerge or Jayne dropped him when he was a baby. I liked Bobby for that type of character - I haven't decided if it's short for anything. "Leonidas" was River's fault. Simon just wanted a simple name, but River suggested that to Kaylee - who loved it immediately. And of course Simon couldn't say no, so the name stuck. They call him either Leroy or Leo mostly, though.

Ryan and Riley were boy-sounding names that I'd seen girls with before. I thought about going as odd as Jayne is for a man with names like Marcus or William or something, but - I guess because of the "R" from River - I thought Ryan and Riley were perfect. River and Jayne actually had a bet about the gender before they were born; River thought they would be boys. I haven't decided yet how exactly Jayne traded in on that win, but it'll probably be either the names or making River get a tattoo of Vera or something. Heh.

And everyone calls Mallory "little Mal". Mal and Inara still have some serious relationship issues and it's not until Darrin's born that they sort of get things squared away. Makes for a hard childhood for Mallory.

string theory, original characters, kid list, story notes

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