Annoyed!ILB is Annoyed - HUGE fic dump

Feb 07, 2009 00:23

Firefly dumpage of things
mostly Rayne

So I'm annoyed. Ahh well. After a semi-uneventful night, I return! I have so much homework to do it's a little horrifying. Yuck. That's for later, eh? Heh.


Jayne Cobb worked as a hired gun on the Firefly-class transport ship Serenity. He did his job well, but his captain never seemed to appreciate his work.

“Jayne! Need you to go an’ take that hun dan out.” Or “Jayne! Drop what you’re doin’ an’ get ready to go.” Or “Jayne - you’re on septic duty now.”

He did it without - much - complaining, but Mal never even acknowledged all the hard work. The others on the ship got all the appreciation, all the perks and favors.

-SoundBite: So this sort of just... died. Heh. I may finish it one day, but I don't think I'm willing to be as ridiculous and juvenile in my writing as I once was. *laughs* No, no - I just need to clean this up and maybe try to plan things out or something. A-yup. I think it'll be pretty funny if I get it written, though.


So I was trying to do that 10 song meme thing, but I suck at it. Royally. Like whoa. The withered fruits of my labor! I posted one at Forecast:Rayne in "When it Pours" (here, as a drabble). Anyway... here we go.

“Possession” -Evans Blue

They were trying to take him away.

She knew. She could hear them.

All around her they whispered; they spoke in dead languages and sentence fragments, in language coded with threats and broken dreams. She could hear them all around her - every room in every atom, whispering and shouting and telling her secrets that she didn’t dare not believe.

They were trying to take him away.

His body is bent in odd angles as she straddles his chest. His skin is cold, gone gray in the pallor of death. Her fingers are stained with his blood; but she had been prepared. She knows how much a man bleeds when his jugular is sliced open.

“Smells Like Teen Spirit” -Nirvana

The wind is too strong.

River knows that it will blow her away. She is paper-thin and frail, touched by only the very edges of gravity’s strength.

“They are coming.”

Jayne blows out a ring of cigar from his large, foul-smelling cigar. River smells it, feels the acrid burn as the ashes drop to the ground. “Who?”

She closes her eyes and lets the wind whip her long, unbound hair around her face. She ignores his query and says again, “They are coming.”

“Well I don’t think I want nothin’ to do with them.”

“Dear Maria, Count Me In” -All Time Low

She can do anything.

Jayne knows she is special. Jayne knows that she can dance like an angel and she can kill anything with any weapon. But it was so rarely that he actually got to see her in action.

One upward slice and the man is down, writhing in a pool of blood. One kick and the next man is grabbing his crotch and screaming. Jayne smiles. ’That’s my girl.’

The fight is raging around her, and there River stands, an island in the sea of flying fists and shining knives. “Well,” she says. “Are you going to play?”

“You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid” -the Offspring

They are enemies.

She is feline grace with shining claws and fangs that she hides in a smile. He is raw, brute strength, a stallion of muscle and rage bucking against any restraints.

No one else can see it.

They are enemies. They will fight; they will never stop fighting. She can bring him down with one well-timed blow and he could break her in half if he ever got his hands on her.

Everyone else thinks they are on opposite ends of the spectrum. They do not see the power, the force, that unites them.

-SoundBite: These embarrass me a little. Heh. They're unedited and most are unfinished. I really suck at coming up with an idea and writing during one song. Heh.



"You move."

"No." River pushed him a little, but he only grunted and remained where he was. "Man-called-Jayne is taking up more than his fair share of space."

Jayne scowled. "You don't know what you're talkin' 'bout. I'm the one not gettin' my fair share o' space. You ain't bigger'n 'bout half a person anyway, so why don't you-" He shoved her over to the side. "Stay off o' my side."

"No sides! Space belongs to both. Now move!"

"Gorrammit, moonbrain, I ain't gonna - " She poked him hard. "Oww!"

"Quiet! Unneccessary volume will alert them to our presence. Captain Daddy requires us to remain here undetected." She wiggled a little, shifting her focus back to the target.

Jayne grunted again. "Won't do no good," he said. "Y'can't see 'em anyway."

"When one is a mind reader, eyes are not neccessary!" She growled a little, irritated that she was being forced to spend so much time with him in such close quarters. "Must focus. Do not distract me with your petty quibbling."

Jayne clenched his teeth, biting back a few choice words. 'Gorram little witch,' he thought angrily. 'Tellin' me what to do. Usin' them big gorram words. That weird ruttin' little crazy kid. Mal better get hold o' us soon to call us back.'

"Stop!" River commanded harshly. "Cannot hear when you fill the air with chatter! Do not think; for you that will not be taxing! And," she added caustically, "she is not a kid. Fully grown woman."

Jayne scoffed in cruel amusement. "You ain't got tits. You ain't a woman."

River hissed and unconsciously tightened the grip she had on her gun. "Silence. Now."

Whether he decided it would be wiser to focus on the mission or he simply got tired of hearing her ask for quiet, Jayne did finally shut up.


"Be careful," Michael said. "I know you... I know how hard this is for you, Bon. I do. But this won't end well for anyone - you gotta know that."

"Don't preach to me, Mike," Bonny retorted hotly. "You really think I'm not thinkin' about all that? But I'm not gonna let this pass. There's no way I'm lettin' this pass. I've never met this man, Mike. My father. My father! Don't you dare tell me not to... to get to know him. I need - "

"Bonny, please. I don't wanna take this away from you. I can see how happy you are - but you can't forget how much it's gonna hurt when you leave. An' you can't ever tell him."

"I'm not going to, Mike. Stop it! You don't have to protect me!"

"Bonny, just... I don't - " He broke off and looked away. "I don't want you to get hurt. You're angry," he said. "But not at me."

"Shut up! I don't want to hear it!"


"Ya did good," he said gruffly.

River blinked, a little shocked. "Th-thank you. Only did my job - as instructed. Want to prove that I am an asset, that the benefits outweigh the risks. I - "

She stopped short as she felt Jayne's large, warm hand reach out and cover hers. It was shocking; it made her body tingle with something she did not recognize. It was warm and female and alive - something she had felt many times in others. Jayne did not speak.

But he did not move his hand.


Gently he swept her hair off to the side. "Okay," he said. "You better 'ppreciate this." He was tense, she could tell, though his mind was completely - and intentionally - blank.

"I do," she said. "Shoulders are very sore - need tending to immediately."

"A'right then." After another moment of hesitation he put his hands to her shoulders and started rubbing firm, soothing circles. River bit back a moan as the knots loosened. She could taste the pleasure they both felt at the touch of his hands on her body. It sensitized something deep, deep in her subconscious and she was aware on a whole new level how good it felt to have the firm warmth and pressure of his large, rough hands.

"So, uh... How you been?" Jayne asked loudly, quashing down all of that delicious, spiralling flavor of semi-arousal. "Still crazy, I guess. That goin' okay for ya?"

She let her head fall back a little and stifled another moan. "Nothing has changed."

He disagreed - she could feel it like cool metal on her tongue. "Uh, that good?"

"It means I am not worse." He eased out a particularly tight spot. "Man-called-Jayne is very... mmm, very good at this."

"Yeah, uh... I think I'd be even better if you wouldn't talk."

"If you say so." He was uncomfortable, but at the same time she could sense that the reactions she was inspiring were natural and warm - they felt good by proxy.


Mal sighed. "Let's go through it, then. So you didn't like Johnny because... ?"

"Too shy," River said simply. "Unattractive. Want a man with confidence."

Mal nodded. "Okay, guess I c'n give you that. But Cal? What was wrong with him? Seemed like a nice fellow t'me."

"Nice, yes," River agreed, "but too smart. Could not accept that my intellect exceeded his. Need a man with common sense - but who can accept the girl's brilliance without feeling threatened."

"That's what you get for bein' a gorram genius, Albatross," Mal said proudly, his 'Captain Daddy' mode going full blast. "So I get it. But then Brown weren't too smart. What was wrong with him? He seemed all right."

"Then you may date him," she teased. "He was too small - not physically appealing. Need a big, strong man: large arms to protect and hold, built sturdy enough to match me in a fight."

"Don't think anyone can match you, girl." Mal sighed. "Y'sure are specific. So lemme see. You want a confident, not-too-smart man who's big an' can fight?"

Simon squeezed his eyes shut, pulling on his hair with both hands. 'And let me guess,' he thought caustically, 'he needs to have a girl's name, as well.'


"Tell me the truth, boy," Jayne commanded, his voice low and dangerous.

"The truth? I ain't - "

"The truth. I don't know what the hell's the matter with you, but somethin' ain't right. You're lyin' 'bout who you an' the girl are." He crossed his arms over his chest, standing with his legs apart and his head angled slightly to the right. His steely blue eyes swept over Michael with a stern, penetrating gaze. "I think what those men said about ya was true."

Mike scoffed. "That I'm from the ruttin' future. Right."

Jayne nodded, sharing none of the boy's dry, incredulous humor. "Yeah. An' I think I'm your daddy."


So much ficcage! Enjoy!


fic:evolution, multi-chp. piece, written late-08, rayne, string theory, various attempts, conversation, stuff, firefly, annoyed, short, emperor's, bits, incomplete, author approved, drabble, written early-09

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