Exciting News, Captain. (I don't wanna explode.)

Jan 31, 2009 16:37

Collection o' Notes, Etc.

FIRST! My e-mail is screwed up so I probably won't be replying to anything anytime soon. This displeases me. But hopefully it'll get all fixed up by Sunday.

So I seem to still be in a mood. Blah. So I don't really want to do anything but write. Yeah. So that's what I've been doing - well, that and watching TV. And sleeping. Yumm-ay. (And, perhaps most notably, not doing my cal homework. Rawr.)

But yeah. I didn't post this up on any LJ comms. HERE IT IS! "Dalek Philosophy" - the amazing "String Theory" chapter 6: 'Do not judge a book by its cover,' she advised. Her fingers knitted together on top of her stomach. 'Just exterminate it.'

And a piece of seven:
“And this,” Wash said proudly, wiping a stray piece of dust off the creature’s back, “is Herman. He’s a little shy but he’s got a mean bite.”

Bonny laughed, taking the plastic dinosaur from him and turning it over in her hands. There was a poorly scrawled “Wash” on one of the back feet. Absently, she ran a thumb over the name. “So this is the secret to good flyin’, huh?”

“Absolutely,” Wash assured her solemnly. “These are the greatest tools of my trade!”

“Well obviously.” Bonny set the dinosaur in her lap, smiling absently at the man before her. “I appreciate you doin’ this,” she told him seriously. “I get good trainin’ from the pilot back home, but she… She’s technical about it. Everything’s figures an’ facts an’ perfect procedure with her - I don’t think she’s got the heart for it like you do.”

“Yeah.” Wash ran a loving hand across the ship’s control panel. “I don’t think there’s anything in the ‘Verse for me besides flying. He stretched his hand out towards the big window, and though all they could see was Beaumonde, it was easy to imagine a dark, vast stretch of space instead. “Like a siren call.”

Though his remark was half-meant as a joke, Bonny didn’t laugh. “Yeah,” she said quietly. “I know what you mean.”

There was a certain wistfulness in her voice that caught his attention, and Wash turned his head to look questioningly towards her. “Okay, there? Have I reeled you in? Are you ready to be assimilated?”

She just chuckled weakly, still staring out past the view of Beaumonde.

“I think it was a little funnier than that.” He cleared his throat, feeling a little awkward. He didn’t know the girl well and he certainly didn’t know how to comfort her. "So... Looking for your crew, huh?"

Bonny shot him a knowing smile. "Yeah. Still. Mike and I had, uh, planned to get off here, but..." She folded her hands together, not meeting his eye. "Well. Looks like we'll be stayin' after all."

Now that was a safe topic Wash could get onboard with. "For how long?" He grinned. "Not thinking of becoming a permanent fixture, huh? Because I do have to warn you, the position of big and surly's already been filled."

"Oh, I know it seems like Mike's mean an' grumpy, but that ain't how he always is. Normally he's a real kind, sweet - "

"Zoë said sensitive - she told me you said he was sensitive."

Bonny laughed. "No really - he is."


RANT RANT RANT RANT RANT-Y RANT (fic-ish): I am going to preface this by saying I'm in a really horrible mood and while this always bothers me a little, I've apparently decided to focus on it. Yuck-o.

Bah. I'm just getting really, really frustrated. Blahr. I don't ever get bad feedback, but at the same time I get so few freakin' reviews. I just found a story pretty similar to "String Theory" on FF.net with like 50. And I have 15. If my story sucks why won't someone tell me? I review or comment on pretty much every story I read - but I do not get that in return. Blahr. I guess I'm too sensitive or something. But I don't understand! If my work sucks, why won't someone tell me? And if it's good, why is it so effing hard for so many people to just say "Oh. Nice story"? Bah. It doesn't matter and I know that and I feel like a whiny bitch for being upset. Which doesn't improve my mood. I am shutting up now.

I hate being in so foul a moood...

string theory, firefly, ranting, complete, full chapter

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