Free-For-All Comment-Fic Challenge.

Jan 18, 2009 08:57

-inspired by the comm comment_fic. I found it through willow_reece, but it's mostly real person fic, which just isn't my cup of tea. I love challenges and any sort of fic-a-thon, so I just thought it would be easiest to host one myself!

-How To: Comment here with a prompt (fandom/pairing in the subject line). Or a few prompts, actually. However many you can dream up. Then it's time to respond! Find a prompt you like and run with it. It could be ultra-kinky NC-17 nekkid time, or super fluffy, sweet and sugary warm feeling-sort-o' cuteness. Really, anything goes. However, if there's something you specifically do not want, please include that in the comment. Your response can be as long as can fit in a comment, but if you'd like to write something longer, fit what you can and then link to the rest of it.

When: Prompts may be submitted for one week. This will last from January 18th to January 25th. I haven't decided yet how long the writing'll go on. Feel free to keep submitting prompts all the up 'til the 25th - and don't forget to come back occasionally to see if there's anything you'd like to write!

Enjoy! Again, anything goes. As for me, I want specifically Firefly - River/Jayne (or YGO Azureshipping), but those are purely my own preferences. ^^

Also! My journal doesn't really get much traffic, so feel free to pimp this if you'd like. I want to try to get a lot of different fandoms - and, naturally, a lot of fic!

A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL PARTICIPANTS (especially anyone who's written a response)! FEEL FREE TO SUBMIT AS MANY PROMPTS AS YOU'D LIKE - IN ANY FANDOM. HOWEVER, I'D ALSO LIKE TO REMIND EVERYONE THAT THEY'RE FREE TO RESPOND TO AS MANY PROMPTS AS THEY'D LIKE, AS WELL. I don't want to be the only one writing, after all! There is no minimum word count; even a sentence will do, so long as it stems from the prompt.

brilliant, firefly, challenge, all fandoms, rayne, presents

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