Ficcage (and begging, because I'm shameless)

Jan 06, 2009 12:11

Firefly my entry for serenity_santa

So! I wrote a Mal/Jayne fic. If you like that pairing, please please please would you read and tell me how it is? I'm really worried it sucks. Thanks so much in advance! I got one message-thing from someone already that said it was pretty good, so that does make me feel better. But I'm an utter, absolute comment-Companion, so more feedback is the best kind of feedback!


Also! Still looking for members for 2by2fics! Everyone's welcome, of course, and you can just join to read and comment on fics!


Hee. Just a little silly note for me. As well-tagged as it is, I've been going through all my entries in acidandink and making memories - so if I wanted an Azureshipping one-shot, I wouldn't have to go through all my one-shots to find it; I can do the whole cross-reference type of thing.

It is very, very SAD how happy this makes me. I'd probably be so happy doing something like secretarial work. Except for the phone-answering. *shudders* Phones...

That's all!


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