Don't Mind Me...

Dec 26, 2008 12:59


Hullo, everyone! I hope you all had an exceptionally Merry Christmas! Oh, and I hope December wraps up satisfactorily and the New Year is absolutely fan-tabulous as well. ^_^ My holidays have been lovely so far. It's very nice to have a little breat for awhile. And I'm looking forward to doing almost nothing until sometime in January!

Anyway! Yes. This entry was to put out a few good wishes, but mostly to rant. Which I shall do now. Don't mind my belly-aching; feel free to depart gracefully here.


BAH! Okay, so I'm frustrated beyond belief. (Well that's just not true but allow me a little indulgence.) I haven't made any more progress on my 25 fics because I got stuck. I know I should just put this piece to rest for awhile and go on to the next, but that's just not how I operate. I get stuck on things and I can't stop until I finish. I've been working on this for about three or four days, and it's only at a little over 3000 words and it still sort of sucks. This is nearly as bad as when I was working on that Seto/Anzu piece Green:Lust (the link's for my own benefit); I want to say I logged in a total of seventeen hours total working on it, but that's really sad considering how not-exceptional it is. I mean, I know it's angst-ridden for an effect, but that... Well, whatever. That's irrelevant right now. This piece! It's for helgatwb (so, if you read this, I'm sorry it's taking so long! I have the smut left to write and then BAM.) and I think it's a funny idea. However, I think the execution is really, really shoddy. I have it in acidandink already, but it's set to Members Only, and then I put two old drabbles in front of it so nobody could find it. I sort of don't want anybody to read it, because I've been working on it so long I'm really endeared to it (against my will, naturally), but I think I can write at a higher level than that might indicate.

Well whatever.

Whoof! I feel better. As usual, after a nice, long rant. I think that as soon as I can actually come to an ending (with the really, really amusing - to me, at least - thing about starting next time with her in the situation he was in) I'll set it to Public and maybe post a link in rayne_shippers. Because I want SOMEBODY to read it (and comment, naturally) - they can hate it and tell me they do, but this has been driving me so crazy that I just want acknowledgement. Bah, I'm so needy. Heh.


I'm going out later (well, not out anywhere interesting, just to the movies) so I want to FINISH THIS BEHEMOTH before I do. That means it's time to knuckle down, grab a soda, implant myself into the couch, and WRITE! Huzzah! Rally the troops, sound the battle cry, Hannah is here and she's ready to conquer! Hee.

Wish me luck! (Good luck, self. Heh.)

(Ooh, memo to me: it's Noodle's b-day tomorrow (my little brother's so big!), so wrap the presents for him before tonight!)

***EDIT: Finished the fic. And it's here.

green, insane determination, firefly, ranting, challenge, tears, lust, rayne, soon to be written, incomplete, various attempts, not so hot, life

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