Age: 11
Hair: Blonde 8D
Eyes: Blue(?)
What's Okay To Mention Around Him: Uh, let's stay away from the really sketchy stuff. And the fictional character thing, plz. Can't think of anything else though.
Abilities: GODMODDING 8D No, really. Adam can do whatever he wants and sometimes his godmodding happens when he isn't really thinking about it. Like vanishing large amounts of uranium in his sleep. And tunnelers from Tibet. I also assume he's got some sort of weird omniscience going on, but more on that later.
Notes for the Psychics: Anathema couldn't see his aura
***, so if you're a spiritual thingers-see person, heads up. He's pretty much normal boy up there in the headspace. Prolly. Most likely.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Do you want to spit/step on an 11 years old child? Also, shapeshift/bodyswap are a talk to me.
Maim/Murder/Death: Do you want to maim/murder/kill a small child? Well, I expect you can't anyway. I mean, you could. But... yeah no.
Cooking: I expect he is good at unwrapping candy.
Physical Contact/Kissing/Hugging: Sure, why not.
Emo/Serious Feel free, though, how long Adam can have an attention span is... well. Yeah.
Audience Sure. Why not.
DOG is a hellhound. Feel free to be pinged by him. Yus.