Mar 05, 2003 23:26
i'm using a quizy thing that i stole from Missy. i hope you don't mind
[ Current Cloths] bathing suit, white shirt
[ Current Mood ] tired
[ Current Music ] music is allowed in this state?
[ Current Taste ] somethign odd in the back of my throat
[ Current Make-up ] none
[ Current Hair ] freshly cut yesterday, black (actually VERY VERY dark brown -- there is no black hair)
[ Current Favorite Artist ] ...dunno
[ Current Book you're reading ] Lord of Chaos & Catcher In the Rye
[ Current CD in CD Player] i've lost my CD player a long while ago
[ Current Worry ] nothing that i'm willing to say
[ you touched ] my brother
[ you talked to ] brother
[ you hugged ] meg
[ you instant messaged ] hoef
[ you yelled at ] chrispy
[ you kissed ] lily...ugh, that was a while ago
[ food ] hoagies (for now)
[ drink ] coffee; irish creme
[ shoes ] snow boots
[ candy ] gummie strawberries
[ animal ] tiger
[ tv show ] Aqua Teen Hunger Force
[ movie ] don't have one
[ dance ] the twist, damnit!
[ song ] unknown...
[ cartoon ] ...Aqua Teen Hunger Force
[ understanding ] yes
[ open-minded ] yes
[ arrogant ] ..dunno
[ insecure ] ehh...kinda
[ interesting ] depends..
[ hungry ] yes, always damnit!
[ friendly ] most of the time, yeah...i guess
[ smart ] naw..just wishful
[ moody ] uhmm...i suppose
[ childish ] yes
[ independent ] sometimes
[ hard working ] not most of the time
[ organized ] naw
[ emotionally stable ] no
[ shy ] depends on the person
[ difficult ] kinda..i suppose
[ attractive ] DAMN STRAIGHT.......naw
[ obsessed ] naw...dont think so
[ kill ] 50% of the people i see in school
[ slap ] (see [kill])
[ get really wasted with ] i dont get wasted
[ look like ] myself
[ talk to online ] uhhh.....people?
[ pictured your crush naked? ], i have a crush?
[ actually seen your crush naked ] nope
[ been in love ] dunno...dunno what you'd call it
[ cried when someone died ] nope
[ makes u laugh the most? ] hmmm...good question
[ makes you smile ] meg, kris, mosta my friends (i'd list the guy ones...but then it'd seem a little...y'know)
[ who do you have a crush on? ] i never knew i had a crush!
[ has a crush on u? ] gina....
[ is the easiest to talk to ] kris
[ sit on the internet all night waiting for someone special to I.M. u? ] yes..i'm such a loser
[ save aol/aim conversations ] sometimes, but i don't refer back to them.
[ wish u were a member of the opposite sex ] sometimes. i mean, it would be interesting, y'know?
-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[ fallen for ur best friend ]
[ been rejected ] nope
[ rejected someone ] nope
[ used someone ] naw
[ been cheated on ] nope
[ done something u regret ] yes, but i learn from those mistakes
[ color ur hair ] nope
[ habla espanol ] nope
[ how many people are on ur buddy list? ] 22
[ drink alcohol? ] not at all
[ like watching sunrises or sunset ] i wish i woke that early. but i do like seeing the sun set like hell!
[ what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain? ] physical
-N U M B E R-
of times i have had my heart broken? everyday
of hearts i have broken? 0-2
of girls i have kissed? 1
of boys i have kissed? 0
of close friends? uhmm...4 estimated?
I WANT: my dream will get me too involved and take me years to stop talking about it
I HAVE: friends
I WISH: to thank God face to face
I MISS: uhm......nothing
I HEAR: waves
I DANCE: when i'm in a good mood
I SING: eveywhere
I WRITE: nothing...
I AM HAPPY: ..yepp, that sounds about right
I SHOULD HAVE: eaten more dinner