Dropping out sounds good right now!

Aug 16, 2006 11:21

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog along with these instructions.
5.Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.
6. Tag five people...or not.

"This more advanced babbling is known as variegated babbling. Stark (1986) found that some variegated babbling productions re consonant - vowel - consonant (CVC) combinations, in which the vowel is replicated. That is, the child might say "Gug" (CVC) or "Ugu" (VCV)."

I was about to do my reading out of Born to Talk: An Intro. to Speech and Language Development. So yesterday I seriously considered dropping out of school. I am so tired and I haven't even had all of my classes yet. I hate how this dep't. is set up. I have to take 18 hours this semester, and there are so many classes that only have one section that it makes it impossible to have a decent schedule. I have 5 classes on Tuesdays!!!!!! That is just ridiculous, but I had no choice!! I have my class that I go into a classroom and observe and throughout the semester help teach some classes and make lesson plans. That class is a regular classroom with one or two hearing impaired students. That is required to have 6-9 hours a week in a classroom. Then I found out that another one of my classes has me go into a completely hearing impaired classroom  for 3-6 hours a week. I can't be at only one classroom for both classes. I have a meeting with my advisor today at one and I will hopefully get this set up. I am okay right now mainly because I already have this meeting scheduled. I scheduled it before I even went to both of those classes, which was just timing. I needed to go so that I can get accepted into the School of Edu. and into the Teaching Academy. I also needed to get approval for a class I took last year to count as a class for my major. Right now I am looking at no life, but like I said hopefully we can get something figured out! I really don't want my dad to make me transfer because that would be a lot of work, but he is seriously considering it! I just hope that this semester doesn't turn out to be Hell!! Well that is my problems! I hope everyone else is doing better than me right now!
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