I got tagged by
nat_unintended , you're such a sweetheart !! :D
Pick 10 people and give them the "you make my day" award in no particular order. If you're picked, you are charged with picking 10 of your own (unless you've already done it).
nat_unintended ;
luux_lu ;
elenabb ;
clairebeauchamp ;
alieneatplastic ;
allineediskimi ;
x_rose_tyler_x ;
fabi7 ;
bitemealienboy ;
messdestruction .
I love you all !! ;)
Y por otra partee traigo fotillos del carnaval de otro dia , y me despido una semanita :P
Como podreis adivinar ibamos de hippies xDD
As you can guess we were hippies las night xD
The first picture is from my friend Rubén !! I love you babe !! And by the way today is his birthday !! ;)
La primera fotico es de mi amigo Rubén ... que por cierto hoy es su cumple ^^
LoL OK here I am with a veeeerrry groggy face V.V xDD But I love the picture anyway !! :D
En fin en esta foto no coments xDD tengo una cara de junkie que no veas pero la foto me encanta de todas maneras !! :P
I love this picture too !! They're Javi and Alba :)
Esta fotillo tambien me encanta son mis amigos Javi y Alba :)
Teresa and her cousin Lucia she is so cute !! <3
Teresa y su prima Lucia, es tan mona !! <3
Adrian and Me ^^
Adrian y yo xDD
Ahh this picture is soo weird , but I love it , it's Olga , Me , Adrian and Javi.
Esta foto es super rara pero también me encanta xDD Somos Olga , Yo , Adri y Javi .
Cristina and Adrian ^^
Me ^^
Ok their costumes are awesome !! Don't you think ?? xDD They're my brother and his friends :)
Habies visto como molan xDD Duffman FTW !!
This picture is soo funny I love it !! :D
Here we are !! Ruben , Javi , Adrian , Me , Alba , Cristina and Laura.
Javi and Rebeca ^^ Her costume was like a Greek Goddess or Roman or something like that xD
Javi y Rebeca^^ Su traje era de Diosa griega o de romana o algo de eso :P
Olga !! ^^ How happy she was xDD
Mirad que feliz iba con la peluca de Javi xDD
And just if someone was curious... this is what my messy hair looks like xDD Javi was bored or something V.V
Y por si teniais curiosidad ... eso es mi pelo enredao xDD Javi se aburria o algo V.V
And this is all my friends , at least for this week , tomorrow I'm leaving to Budapest so I wont be here, but I promess I'll make a ton of pictures :)
Y eso es todo amigos , por lo menos durante una semana, mañana me voy a Budapest y no estare por aqui , pero prometo que haré un mogollón de fotos :)