I hate everything about you... why do I love you?

Feb 15, 2011 22:50

“What’s this?”
Lucy looked up, trying not to look guilty. Her husband was holding up a coat.
“That’s my coat,” she replied, remaining calm, though her heart had already started racing.
“And why was it at the front of the wardrobe? Hmm? You haven’t been outside the ship in a year. Have you taken to playing dress up?” The Master was smiling, but Lucy recognised that glint in his eyes and knew she’d been found out.
“I was just sorting some things out,” Lucy tried, desperate to lie her way out of this.
“Oh I see, fair enough,” the Master grinned, then he kissed her and stroked a stray lock of her hair behind her ear. “You love me, don’t you?”
“More than anything,” Lucy replied, relaxing. She’d gotten away with it and relief flooded through her.
That’s when he hit her.
He didn't hold back and she stumbled backwards and managed to grip the edge of the table behind her to keep from falling over. Her mouth was open in shock as she raised a shaking hand to her cheek and touched it tentatively, then withdrew her hand quickly. There was a long silence, they both stood there, Lucy trembling.
“Oh Lucy, Lucy, Lucy,” the Master said, eventually, smiling at her. “Did you honestly think you could get away with lying to me?”
Lucy swallowed, tasting blood in her mouth, too shocked to even cry at the moment.
“Did you think you could make your husband look like a fool?” the Master continued, taking slow steps towards her, his tone growing more menacing by the second.
When Lucy didn’t reply he slammed his fist down on the table, practically on top of her now, and she let out a desperate, frightened yelp, flinching away.
“Answer me!” he demanded.
“…I didn’t mean to… I just… “ it was too much and Lucy broke down, beginning to sob, desperately. “I just wanted to see my father!”
“It’s the same thing with you,” the Master tutted, “Over and over again, after all I do for you and you still constantly continue to disappoint me. I’ve given you the world, Lucy. I’ve literally given you the world and it’s not enough? “
“…I’m sorry…” Lucy cried.
“You will be sorry, darling,” the Master purred. “Perhaps if I teach you a hard enough lesson you won’t forget it this time.”

Eventually she regained consciousness. The Master held a hand out to her and pulled her to her feet, letting her lean on his arm to steady her balance. She rested her head on his chest and he put his arms around her as she began to sob on him.
“Silly girl. “ he murmured, stroking her hair. He held her at arms length and thumbed away her tears, then pouted at her. “Oh Lucy, you’re not angry with me are you?”
She swallowed and shook her head, slowly.
“It was just a little rough and tumble, darling. You love me, don’t you?” he asked.
“… I love you,” Lucy nodded, her words hollow and distant, not meeting his eye.
“I had Francine make you a cup of tea, sweetheart. I thought it might make you feel better,” the Master said, then pulled her back into him to give her another hug and a gentle kiss.
She excused herself as soon as she was able and went straight to their bedroom once he’d gone to torture Jack some more. As soon as the bedroom door was shut behind her she collapsed onto the bed and cried until she could hardly breathe, until eventually she fell into an uneasy sleep.

Lucy was nudged awake and as she opened her eyes she found herself being straddled by the Master. She groggily tried to push him away but he held her wrists down on the bed with one hand and used the other to pull up her nightshirt. He put his knee between her thighs and forced her legs apart without saying a word. Lucy drew in a sharp breath as he entered her, with no foreplay she was uncomfortably dry and he hadn't bothered to use lubricant so the experience was quite painful.
“Ow... Harry....” she gasped.
“Shh,” he whispered. “Don’t be silly Lucy, you love me, don’t you?”
Lucy didn't say anything else, she gritted her teeth and lay still until he'd finished. When he withdrew and lay beside her she put her arms around him and sighed.
“Something wrong, pet?” he asked.
“Could you at least talk to me when we make love? Sometimes it feels like...” Lucy trailed off, her throbbing, bruised cheek reminding her it was better to keep her mouth shut.
“Like what?” the Master pressed, gently.
“Well...” Lucy decided her husband’s tone indicated he was in a better mood, so she risked it. “Sometimes it feels like you're using me.”
The Master chuckled and pulled her in towards him, embracing her tightly. “You silly thing,” he smiled, then kissed her. Then he pulled away and stood up. “I'm going to shower,” he told her, “I'll meet you at breakfast.

Lucy sat at the table, struggling to eat. Francine eyed the bruise on her cheek as she came to clean the table, but she said nothing.
“Something the matter?” Lucy snapped.
Francine shook her head and looked away, immediately.
“Get out,” Lucy ordered, abruptly. She knew she shouldn’t take it out on the imprisoned servant, but being able to shout at Francine made her feel slightly less helpless, slightly less out of control.
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