Title: Roses
Rating: R (nothing explicit)
Pairing: Gwen/Morgana
Warnings: Naked ladies and roses in winter
Spoilers: None
Word count: 100 words
Disclaimer: This version of the Arthurian legend belongs to the BBC
Summary: The roses Gwen liked.
The roses Gwen liked.
Morgana considered her thoughtfully from her position above her on the bed, twirling a stem between her fingers and tapping the bud against her lips.
She trailed the flower across Gwen’s stomach, petals falling softly over bare brown skin.
Suddenly, Morgana cried out and dropped the rose. Blood welled on her fingertip, as shockingly bright as the petals which now littered the bed.
Gwen promptly examined the cut. She locked eyes with Morgana and sucked the punctured digit into her mouth.
Morgana smiled, tangled her hand in Gwen’s hair and pulled her lips against her own.