.thank you, for making me, worthless, in your eyes.

Dec 21, 2003 20:29

A lot to be covered here, this entry has been on my mind all fucking day.
So it’s best i start now.

So yeah, i saw Lord of The Rings: Return of the King with Anners on the 17th. Wow. One of thee best movies this year. No doubt about it. That movie just had me in amazement all the way threw. This Trilogy is up there with the Matrix, i don’t think it’s possible too pick a better one. They were both amazing in there own worlds. They are the StarWars of 'my' time i think... I laughed and i cried. Yes, i did. Amazing movie. See it.

Next day i woke up feeling sick. Blah, guess it was just my turn like the rest of the country. I am starting too feel better already so hopefully i just have some lame ass cold and nothing brutal... hope i didn’t speak too soon :x (This was all on the 18th)

So come the 19th, i was really feeling like shit. I had too work, so i tried to suck it all up like i always do while feeling sick. I have never left work early from sickness, so this time... i said fuck it. I told Steve and Dan i wasn’t feelin good at all, and we worked out a deal were i left like four hours early. I think that helped because when i got home i slept for a little bit, and that was nice.

But yes, the highlight of the 19th definitely was Anna's Graduation from high school. She graduated a semester early because of the schools new block schedule thing. So i met Kim there, and then soon Michele came, Amanda was already there because she was singing in the chorus... and of course Anna's family as well. Watching her walk across the stage was great. Big congrats too her. Only like 30 kids graduated early... out of like 400 kids in her class. Its the first time they had an early graduation, so that’s why so little kids did this. After graduation we all (Me, Anna, Michele, Amanda, Kim and Anna's family) went out too dinner. It was loads of fun, we all had such a great time. Now i cant remember the name of the place we went too to eat, but Foote[face0rkneecaps] used to work there... so that might help some people.. haha, anyway... after dinner us 'kids' went to visit Andrew[iamtonedef] over at Target and hung around there for a bit... then we all split up, and i went home!

Oh yes, pictures. Heck yeah.


Walking too her seat...

Gettin ready to walk across...

Anna walking across the stage... had to edit the picture to bring out the brightness

Anna and her wonderful smile.

Amanda, Michele, Anna, Me, Kim. awww such beauties... and then me

Amanda, Anna, Kim.

Now, on too yesterday. hmmm, yesterday was awesome.
Very frickin' awesome.
Who did i finally get too see for more then 30 seconds... could it be?
Yes. Ame[sprklstarlet]
I haven’t gotten too see her in far too long, stupid Tennessee school! But yeah, we drove all around Durham taking pictures of things for an xmas gifts. I drove because i have no idea where anything in Durham is, so i figured i might as well start learn it. Wonder if I will remember anything next time im over there. If there is a next time. Anyway, after taking some pictures and hittin up a BO's we came back too my house and listened to music and watched videos... Then Ame gave Jaime[jaimemichelle] a call back and we went over to her house. Crazy thing here is that she lives like pretty much within walking distance of my house. How nutty is that, small effing world, that’s for sure. Never meet her before, so that was a first. And met Jaime’s sister too, cool gals. But yeah, we went over there and hung out at the house for awhile, talked... I played lots of games on everyone’s cell phone's, fun. Then, I talked them into going to Nick[bobby_bac] and Charlie’s[ursolstsummer32] townhouse where a party was going down. So we took two cars and headed over there. The party was already booming with lots of drunken crazy kids. Good times, full house like normal. They know how too throw down, we rule. But yes, lots of people there. Id name drop everyone, but I am far too lazy now. Ame, Jamie and her sister left right before midnight because they had to be home at a certain time, and I left sometime around 1:30AM because I had work at ten in the morning, woohoo. I wanted to stay and drink and kick back, but fuckin work prevented it. I wanted to party oh so badly. Grrrr, oh well, next time.

Today was long, almost a ten hour work day on a Sunday, it was brutal. Not that busy, just a long day. I am beat tho. Work tomorrow nine too five, yay. God I can’t wait too have the 24th and 25th off, it’s a much welcomed mid-week break.

That’s all I got right now, im spent.
Oh yeah, as for the rants i spoke of an entry or so back, forget them.
Its not even worth it.

josh...always yesterdays old news, please toss me too the curb

I keep forgetting to say that i joined myspace.com. It’s been like two or three months now, but hey, i remembered... so add me up!
an0nym0us-err0r AT nc.rr.com

Updated the show list in my userinfo... some GREAT shows coming soon.. ah yes, this is the time of the year they start to announce all the shows threw March... these next two or three weeks should be loaded with tour announcements :)

Holy shit, this year is almost over... anyone have some awesome new years plans? Share!
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