.keep you there, so you can see it.

Dec 02, 2003 22:16

Ah yes, re-discovered the used. The sex, indeed sah!

Anyway... so check it out, yesterday or the day before i was talking to Allie[cool_o_clock] and we came to this rather cool conclusion about livejournal. That its the easy way to get out all your sexual frustrations and/or say all the things you wish you could say in real life, online. Like all the 'i wanna make out with you' and 'your so hot' and 'i love your smile and eyes' and all those kinda comments people get and give you. now come on, honestly, 95% of people would never say to a person in "real life". i mean think about it, how often do people randomly come up too you and say, "what an awesome smile you have", or how amazing your eyes are and how much they want to makeout with you. Now, think about how often you get a comment like that while posting a picture or pretty much anything. It happens MUCH more online, then in real life. Now i don’t know about the rest of you, but i wish i had the guts to do that stuff in person. It’s 67 million times harder too do. I am afraid of being slapped around, or getting an ass kicking from the football playing boyfriend. But i try to make the effort to compliment ANYONE be it in person or online. Allie was telling me how much it means to her and most girls when they get compliments about THINGS. So i assume that she really does speak for the rest of your females, it only makes sense that it’s true. Who doesn’t love getting compliments? I will try my best to turn over a new leaf, and do things i say online and in this journal, and follow threw and say things in person. I do with my already established friends and people i know... but not random people i may see at the mall or while i work. Maybe that will change. I hope. I wish i could speak my mind 100%



Well, as for that...

Work yesterday (The 1st) SUCKED. I wanted to kill everyone i worked with. it was one of those days for DAMN sure. Steve, my boss, was yelled at by his boss in the morning. and being the normal chain of command. My boss was taking it out on me and others because he was yelled at... so yeah, it only makes sense... its normal, it happens. But damn was i ready to kill some fuckers. It’s like they all found my buttons and pushed them 40 times over. I wanted to walk the fuck out, but i didn’t.

Today (The 2nd) on the other hand was sooooooooooo much better. It was a good day, had a lot of big sales that i got, so it rocked. They were kissing my ass too. Oh yeah, talked to Dan about that raise i was getting. He said he forgot that we talked about it. Wonderful. So he emailed Mike tonight about it, and they should meet about it tomorrow and get back to me that day. I hope. Who knows, ill remind him again soon. He said he was very very glad that i reminded him about it and WILL get me an answer soon. Soon i will also talk to him about getting some back pay. I also have my yearly review that past like 3 months ago that was never taken care of, so i should be doing that with Dan or Steve soon... that could in tale ANOTHER raise. Two in a row? holy ass fuck. I hope so. $10 an hour here i come? ;) But yeah, the raise Dan is giving me is purely on good merit, because i have been doing so well. This yearly review is something mandatory for all employees, and if your doing well, you get a raise... so one would think... i would get the raise from Dan on my good merit because i have been doing great... and also a raise from my mandatory yearly review from Steve.... i hope so, that would own all.
Wish me luck <3

I got 10 new CDs in the mail today from http://www.decoymusic.com/ (stuff I reviewed in the past, plus a few I wanted, plus one new one to review) plus I got around 50 of there new stickers. I love the new design of the stickers, very fucking bad ass I must say. Nice job.

Mmmm I can’t wait for my day off on Thursday, it’s much needed. Anyone wanna do something? :)

I also get off on Saturday, but I will be in Greensboro all day for the charity show... Oh yes, I can’t wait for that show… Hmmm, and that totally reminds me, I need to make entries in ncmusic and ncindierawk. I will do that tomorrow or tonight. Not only will the show be great, but I get too meet dyingxemotions and lovebinges for the first time… and also maybe seeing __heartbroken and _offair there as well!!!

Yeah, im done with this entry. Man, I really write a lot. Maybe I should update once a day, this way… its not so long? Bah, who cares ;) Think I should?

Amanda[xsolastsummerx] owns all that is amazing. <3333
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