I am not even sure.
So, what have i done these last two days? Man, that’s easy.
Worked. That’s it. 100% Work. Get there (work), lunch, then back home to fuck around on the computer. Go to sleep. Wake up. Repeat.
Not to bad i guess, i mean, im making lots of money and that was the point.
Oh yeah, today at work ... i got a $5,300 sale today. That’s a HUGE amount for OfficeMax. It was some 4 drawer fire proof lateral file holder things. $2,500 each. She got two. Happened like this ... she called and i took the call. I knew it would take a while to track down what she wanted, so i took her name and phone number down and told her i would call her back as soon as possible with the information she needed. Turned out it took 4 minutes to find it, so i called her right back. She said thank you very much, and she would call back in a few hours if she wanted it. Turns out she just showed up at OfficeMax 3 hours later. So i placed the order for her. Steve and Dan (My bosses) were ecstatic. Heck yeah. They are going to forward my performance to the district manager. hmmmm, how’s about a raise guys. That sounds good. Yup. ;)
So yesterday, i was feeling very creative. I came up with two really awesome and stylish away messages for AIM. Yup, i am a dork. I am writing in my journal, about two very sexy and stylish away messages ... for AIM. ....could this be a new low? Doubt it. But yeah, they look awesome. I love having these creative bursts :)
Oh yeah, as of right now, it seems as if i will not be going back to school this coming semester. Surprised? Nope, not really. I didn’t think i would go back RIGHT away anyway. But i will go back, that’s for sure. I am not completely stupid. My mind is almost 100% made up on this. I talked to Mom about it on the phone today, and she seemed almost fine with it. She knows i will go back when its time. I know this too. I know when i bring this up with Dad, he will throw a small hissy fit and not understand. Its expected.
What do i want to do with my little life? Well, at this point, i have a few 'ideas' kicking around in my head.
1. Start up my own record company one day ... but lets be serious. Why? There are sooo many out there already. What would make mine better? I think its silly to start up ANOTHER one with the hundreds out there already that people have never even heard of. So yeah, who knows.
2. Be a talent scout for an already established record company. Be in charge of finding there new bands, there new talent. I know i have an ear for good music, and i have one of the most open minds when it comes to different styles and tastes. Everyone knows that. I think i could rock a job like that.
3. Open my own venue ... i mean think about it. How many awesome venues are around? All you need to do is find the right spot for it. And BAM. You’re almost in. Next, get in with some big booking agents. And you’re fucking set. Just watch the kids roll in to see there favorite band. I already know someone who just started up a new venue (Joe @ Ace's Basement), and has been doing really well already. I could question him about how one might get started on something like that.
4. Photographer. This has been a growing interest of mine for the longest time. Sometime before xmas i will have my own 'professional' digital camera. I am talking the kind where you can change out lenses, the ones with the pop up flash, or a flash that you can add to the side and control on its own. At least a 4 mega pixel. I am still learning things about cameras. Do you know more about them then me? If so, you should help me!
But yeah, right now they are the four prime things i have been considering. Who knows how long it will take for this list to grow or for me to narrow it down to something certain.
Hmm, well I need a haircut. Maybe mother dearest can give me one tomorrow or at least before this weekend. I hate having such curly hair. I don’t see how so many people love my hair.
Yeah, that’s all.
josh…each cute girl you see is a reminder of how alone and lonely you are
Everyone should check out the ad i posted up in
ncmusic and/or
ncindierawk ... if you are from NC, i better see you at this show. It will be worth it. Let me know if you’re able to go, i can help you work out something cool ;)