Oct 18, 2004 16:25
i'd have to say that sometimes, the people in this town really piss me off.... i was down on grafton street (downtown dublin for you yanks ;) earlier today, listening to some of the street musicians when i some dipshit neo-nazi i'll usually trade insults with walked by, told him he was a wanker, as is my habit whenever i see him, and as usual nothing happened, he just kept on walking. about twenty minutes later, i was still sitting there, listening to the same band when lo and behold, he shows up with six or seven of his friends and they surround me, he gets up right in my face and being all tough-man like orders me to give him a cigarette, not quite sure what to do, as i'm well outnumbered, i fall back on the basics, i tell him to go fuck himself. next thing i know someone punches me in the back of the head. a couple of them start comming in to hit me while i'm down when one of them yells out that pigs are comming, they leg it out of there. a bit shaken i go to a coffee shop where a mate of mine works, make a couple of phone calls, and half an hour later, i go to the central bank (sub-culture hangout of dublin, rockers, punkers, some yippies and the nazis chill there, usually not at the same time.) with four friends with me, seing one of the nazis we tell him we're looking for james (the one who called his friends on me earlier), he runs over to another corner and tell james we're there. i light a cigarette and when i look up i see the last nazi getting on a bus. apparently they had a party to go that they alll just remembered about when we showed up. even if they are pussies, there's getting to be more and more of these little scumbags who think that being all nationalistic and anti-semitic is fun. it's getting a bit worrying. something's going to have to be done about these eejits. problem is, pigs either refuse to see them in the street or arrest people who resist getting beat. easiest think would be to set one of the northside gangs on them but that'll take some skillfull maneuvering. oh well, worth looking into. anyway, james, i know you fancy yourself as a bit of an internet wiz so if you read this, just remember, not only have i not forgotten, but i was late to meet big rory because of that shit, he's pissed off now.. have fun.