1/3 on Maat, defeated him in a single Chainspell.
Quite harrowing, too, since he used Chainspell after I Converted.
The play-by-play, for those who know the game:
- Melon pie +1 outside the BCNM, rest to full
- Rush straight in, Sleep II before he can buff himself more than once
- Pop a Yagudo Drink (to save myself the 40mp that Refresh costs) and an Intelligence Potion
- Dispel him (Haste was all he had up), Paralyze, Bind, Gravity; Stoneskin and Blink on myself
- During this process, I discovered that Maat had partially resisted my Sleep, and was forced to recast it. Fortunately, the only casualty of this slip-up was one of my shadows...and an additional 29 mp, which threw off my planning.
- The previous bit had thrown off my numbers; I could actually have gotten away with one more Aero III in that initial barrage and still had MP for Sleep II. Oh well.
- Convert! Hi-potion +3 Hi-potion +3 Hi-potion +3; still about 10 seconds of Chainspell remaining
- Spam Aero III while Maat Chainspells and also tries to nuke my face off.
Had about 150 each left of HP and MP at the end of that. If he'd been slightly quicker, or I'd been slightly slower on that last nuke, I'd have been toast. But I made it.
And now all the other Maat fights are going to feel easy by comparison. ;)
But fuck Schultz.