Tarot for Today

Jun 13, 2008 18:20

Yes, the camera sucks. Yes, that's a Hello Kitty tarot. To compensate for the former, text-version:


King of
CupsNine of

King of


(5:34:27 PM) Cole: Your current state is one of financial well-being
(5:35:24 PM) Cole: The opposing force is your source of advice.
(5:35:59 PM) Cole: The hermit of course is your search for self-meaning
(5:36:56 PM) Cole: Your past is your love of new relationships
(5:37:03 PM) Cole: Finding love
(5:38:20 PM) Cole: Your goal is to find a person full of energy who will bring about change in your life.
(5:39:21 PM) Cole: Your future being the lovers is interesting.
(5:39:41 PM) Cole: You'll have to make a descision at a loss to something else.
(5:39:49 PM) Cole: This could be a choice between two people you love.
(5:40:38 PM) Cole: or it could be an intense sexual relationship that needs grounding otherwise
(5:41:32 PM) Cole: You see yourself as a steadfast beacon to life. Determined.
(5:41:42 PM) Cole: Not bright by any means, but always there.
(5:42:46 PM) Cole: As the Ace of swords, people either see you extremely positive or extremely negative.
(5:44:06 PM) Cole: Your guidance lies within the King of Pentacles, your financial backing.
(5:44:42 PM) Cole: But the king is patient in what he does.
(5:44:59 PM) Cole: His word itself as good as gold. Where the knight is out for out's sake.
(5:45:05 PM) Cole: The king is in it for gain.
(5:45:36 PM) Cole: It implies a need for generosity, both spiritual and financial.
(5:45:49 PM) Cole: As such, you'll get more more than was given.
(5:47:03 PM) Cole: Six of swords is balance of heart and mind.
(5:47:19 PM) Cole: Were the 5 of swords also in the spread, it would imply wisdom gained via travel.
(5:47:29 PM) Cole: But six is grounded where it lies.

(4:03:36 PM) Everett: Okay, you have the 9 Pentacles as your significator.
(4:06:34 PM) Everett: 9 almost always represents that point towards the end of a "personal journey" (i.e. one's "story" of the moment) when one nears completion (with both accomplishment and epiphanies but also an ending) and is tempted to stop now
(4:07:17 PM) Everett: Pentacles deal with the material realm, which can involve money or possessions but may also include general social relationships and domestic concerns.
(4:08:26 PM) Everett: In other words, my neighbors relate to me through pentacles, my lovers and close friends through cups, my own soul (and maybe spiritual or artistic associates) through wands, and my intellect (and intellectual associates) through swords.
(4:09:18 PM) Everett: A 9 Pentacles implies that the querent, apropos whatever question you were doing a read for, is nearing the end of a personal journey in the material realm -- and possibly tempted to slack and accept what he's got rather than finish.
(4:09:41 PM) Everett: If I could see the picture, I could understand better.
(4:10:09 PM) Everett: Your significator is crossed by King of Swords, which represents not the power of the intellect but the understanding of the intellect.
(4:12:31 PM) Everett: Now, the crossing card both disrupts the movement from Past (Knight of Cups) to Present (The Lovers) and disrupts the harmony of the superego or overview (Page of Wands) with the ego or collective unconscious (The Hermit).
(4:16:28 PM) Everett: By my reading, anyway, you are on a journey from Exploration of Romantic Notions/Feelings (Knight of Cups) to a genuine wholeness, whether a union with another person or a synthesis of disconnected parts of yourself (The Lovers). It may be finding a woman, true, but it may also be a reconnection of romance from the naive sentimentality of the Knight of Cups through the practical wisdom of the 9 Pentacles to an authentic understanding of love in real world terms via The Lovers.
(4:17:02 PM) Everett: The overfocus on the intellect, with the accompanying possibilities of cynicism, seems to be disrupting this.
(4:20:32 PM) Everett: With the Page of Wands as your Crowning Card, this would indicate that your intellect, your higher thoughts (e.g. superego) are focused right now on the beginning exploration of spiritual or artistic matters. Meanwhile, your emotional side, your animal side (e.g. your id) or visceral side is focused on the garnering of wisdom through unconventional paths, usually involving a living mentor or a mentor-figure in your books, etc. via The Hermit. Having your superego-ego-id or parent-adult-child or conscience-mind-visceral impulse (however you wish to term it) involve Page of Wands, 9 Pentacles, and The Hermit can be an awesome thing for someone who is seeking wisdom -- not an aetherial disconnected romanticized wisdom but insight or wisdom or savvy connected to the real world in palpable ways.
(4:20:48 PM) Everett: That fits also with your voyage from Knight of Cups to The Lovers.
(4:20:50 PM) Everett: BUT
(4:21:00 PM) Everett: the bloody King of Swords is there to disrupt.
(4:22:18 PM) Everett: The interpretation I just gave you is reinforced by your Situation Card, The Star. The Star is named The Guiding Star in some Tarot sets. It represents one who is seeking something by following a guiding light, not unlike the Magi following the star to Jesus or the sailor following the star homeward.
(4:22:42 PM) Everett: The cheerful girl in the pic, with the smiling overhead figure, reinforces the playfulness of this image.
(4:23:56 PM) Everett: Your Friends-&-Family card is the Ace of Swords. The Ace is similar to the Page. However, whereas the Page represents that first childlike exploration of something, the Ace represents the bare seed. Your Friends-&-Family card represents either what you can expect from friends and family apropos your issue or what they will think of you.
(4:24:55 PM) Everett: This suggests to me that they can only give you seeds over which to ponder, nothing more, and the seeds will not be fodder for your spirit or creative side or even emotions but for your mind. It suggests an aloofly intellectual aid from family and friends apropos whatever issue you have done a reading on.
(4:26:12 PM) Everett: Your Hopes-&-Fears card is the King of Pentacles. Hopes and fears are two sides of the same coin. The hope side of this is knowing of and mastery of the material issue referenced first in your significator of 9 Pentacles. The fear would be either fear of failing to do so or, more likely, fear of becoming lost in material errata.
(4:28:34 PM) Everett: The Insight Card is 6 Swords. Even numbers always represent decisions (except 10) just as odd numbers always represent the consequences of decisions (except 1). 6 often represents getting bogged down. A 6 Pentacles often references getting bogged down in material concerns (bills, paperwork, obligations, etc.). A 6 Wands often references getting bogged down in creative frippery or spiritual indecision. But you have a 6 Swords.
(4:28:48 PM) Everett: A 6 Swords usually references thinking too much.

This is mostly for my own reference, but if any of you have any comments or thoughts on this, I'd like to hear them.


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