Ugh, been so upset about my Daddy lately that I've been having a hard time thinking about much else.
He's going to the BeachWold Clinic in Ohio for chemo for the next month which means I wont be able to spend my birthday with them at home in California as was planned but that's okay with me as long as I get to see him sometime soon back to health and Cancer free if possible.
I'm probably going to drive up to Columbus for a day or two just to be with him and give him all the support and love I can.
Anybody have any idea how far that drive is from Atlanta?
Thanks to all the EFN and coherts (special thanks goin out to Jim and Justin and his Big White Whale <3++) that made our first pool party cook out last week too fucking fabulous!
I had so much fun I want to do it every weekend now!
Well, maybe not that often but I was hoping to have another one maybe Saturday, August 7th cause I dont have to work that night.
Hopefully rain free this time, wet cheese cubes, crackers and cheese aint so pretty in the morning.
Anybody accept or reject?
Seeing all the new Lip Service lines for summer almost makes my pocket feel good.
They all suck, k thnx!
Looked for the new shots of
panzerag to no avail, not sure what lines he's sporting though.
Fashion has been sucking so bad lately, it should just be fueling me more to start making my own clothes, but effort is a harsh mistress.
If you have any clothes, shoes, accessories, toys, collectables, CD's, videos, games, house wears, DIY, or handmade new and used items to sell or trade, we are hosting a flea market bizarre upstairs staring at 11pm.
You must provide your own hangers, price tags, clothes racks, and merch tables if necessary.
No sellers fees, but please RSVP to ensure proper space.
We are hoping that this will help us start a once a month event for buyers and sellers both along with our usual industrial, ebm, idm and whatever ever else we fucking feel like, dance nights...drinking as always!