-I haven't posted anything in a while. I've just been too tired all the time - the travelling out of city for my new job training is really getting to me. Only another week to go, though and I'll be back in Birmingham. Can't wait! New job is going well though I'm scared of making mistakes, LOL.
-I won an award at
wicked_awards !
-Still no clue what to make/write for my
seasonal_spuffy posting day. Eek.
-Although I feel like I've been doing nothing more than working lately, on my days off I have been doing some writing - that all-human Spuffy fic I mentioned a few weeks ago. I've got a fair bit written but I'm not posting until it's done. However I did make the banner already, which I'm gonna show you now... (Title of the fic is a work in progress, too.)
-Jennifer Lawrence has been cast as Katniss in The Hunger Games. I'm okay with this... I've not seen her in anything, but I've heard she's a good actress and she was nominated for an Oscar. And unlike a lot of people in the fandom I'm glad they've cast older. Now I hope they announce the rest of the cast soon!