Just wanted to make a quick announcement. Apparently six is the charm...
See, I was bawling my eyes out on Monday when the pregnancy test I took (one whole DAY earlier than recommended) was negative. Still nothing on Wednesday (and should have started my cycle on Tuesday), so I took another one. Very, very faint line, quite possibly my imagination. Called a friend - shaking, I was actually shaking - and had a minor debate on the presence or faintness of the line. She (mostly) convinced me that it just had to be there - doesn't matter how faint it is. Then we formed a plan - I purchase another test (or two) and double-check the results of my ultra-cheap, internet-purchased test ($ 0.99 at
www.early-pregnancy-tests.com). I did. Bought an EPT certainty kit.
I'm pregnant.
Four weeks, six days. I'm due on July 7... and I can't decide if I want to deliver ON the due date ('cause 7-7-07 would be a cool birthday), or three days early ('cause so would the 4th of July). My baby (currently nick-named "cub") is a flat disk the size of a sesame seed. Give Cub a bit, and s/he'll fold in half and start forming a BRAIN. As for me, I'm nauseous off and on, but not yet vomiting... though, apparently, it's a bit early for the "morning" sickness, so I can probably count on that in the next few weeks. I get a little light-headed and dizzy if I stand for too long, or try running up stairs or something. And I'm peeing constantly - due to the pushing fluids because of the dizziness and also because my body is trying to make an extra pint or two of blood. Also, I get hungry. A lot. But it doesn't take all that much to fill me up, so it's okay so far (you're actually only supposed to gain about 20-30 lbs during the entire pregnancy). Plus snacking a few crackers or Triscuits or something helps curb the nausea. Which is a good thing.
I'm still amazed by the whole process of two things coming together to make one cell that will grow into an actual person. And it's happening inside me, and it's the size of a sesame seed. Cool, huh?