
Sep 09, 2007 17:43

Maybe this will be my outlet to pour loose the vile frantic pissing and moaning I usually do in my head.

The spot where I am bound to offend a lot of people (to you I say, grow a spine and walk it on out of here, I'm entitled to my opinion).

The place where it is safe for me to express myself completely and wholly, without shame or guilt. Even if I'm dead wrong.

The place where I can swear and curse, and stomp my (figurative) feet and don't have to tiptoe around everyone.

Get a grip people, you can't be nicey-nice all the fucking time. How many of us are being polite on the outside, and biting the insides of our cheeks on the inside?

Sound good? I thought so.

So here goes.

I'm sick and tired of hearing about dairy-free, gluten-free, wheat-free, milk protein sensitivities, michael can't have this he's sensitive (say this in a whiny, pitying voice wouldyouplease), oh don't feed him that until he's a million years old he might be allergic.

Fuck off. Where were all of these sensitivities and reactions and allergies and concerns when I was growing up? They weren't there; they were unheard of. We shared all our food, mothers gave out snacks and treats, you ate at other people's houses and you ate whatever the fuck they were eating for supper, or you wouldn't go back. We lived on PB&J, there was no nut-free bullcrap.

Don't get me wrong, I know some people have serious allergies; fatal even. True form allergies to nuts, etc., are not taken lightly.

But at the first hint of a shadow of a pimple, or a bit of a rash, or the baby starts fussing (when did fussing become uncommon among infants?!), and they MUST have a sensitivity, so we must cut out all dairy/wheat/gluten from our diet, their diet, the air THEY BREATHE IS GOING TO KILL THEM.


How coddled must our children be? How ridic is it that everything we do, touch and eat becomes the enemy? Is this reality, or a new age form of definition for some of these mothers. The baby-wearing, extended breastfeeding, bed-sharing, all-natural (no chemical), cloth-diapering, organic, no-vaccinating, vegan extremists. What happened to trying a food, seeing if they live or die, and moving on. Well, not that harsh, but you get what I mean.

Fuck, my kids are still alive. I managed to keep them alive somehow. I must be a horrible mother; they wore disposables, drank formula, were fed store-bought baby food and ate peanut butter just over the age of one year, are fully vaccinated and we eat red meat, white meat, all meat. Hmm.

parenting, ranty-rant, mainstream vs. crunchy

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