
Sep 17, 2007 08:54

I work a menial-labour, customer-service type job. Ok, fast-food coffee shop (see if you can deduct the company on your own). I have seen it all, as I was also once a manager of a fast food burger joint too.

What just kills me, is the lack of courteous behaviour inflicted upon me. Would it fucking kill you people to smile back, thank me, act less insulted that I am serving you?

I have a higher than grade-two education thankyouverymuch. Do NOT treat me a like I'm stupid just because of the side of the counter I'm standing on (side of the speaker I'm speaking on, whatevz).

Also, the universe will not implode because you have too much/too little cream/sugar/sweetener/milk/arsenic in your coffee/tea/mocha/crapacinnodecafvanillahotsmoothee mix. Good gawd, there are worse things in this life than an extra skim milk in your fucking coffee. Get a grip, and figure out your priorities. If you are going to be THAT anal about it, save yourself the time, money, effort, and brain cells and make your damn drink at home.

I get paid minimum wage. Think about that for a moment. I'm not going to get myself bent out of shape because of one coffee. Kiss my ass. You're not worth it to me. If I seriously fuck up (make a coffee instead of a tea), sure, call me on it. But don't flip on my ass. My job is brain-numbing enough without assholes telling me I'm stupid. I'll fix the mistake, but keep ragging and you're going to find some unpleasantness (disguised of course) in the results. Asshole.

ranty-rant, jobsuxor, what are they thinking

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