Sterek Fic Rec

Dec 08, 2012 22:26

Okay, so yes, I've nose-dived into Teen Wolf fandom... and I've kinda been absolutely devouring fic on AO3 for awhile now....

The fic I randomly found today (I love filters) is AMAZING.  It takes place nearly 9 years in the future, and is just... guh, I have no words guys!!

The characterizations are WONDERFUL and such a well-done aging and maturing of the canon.  It has a Stiles who left for 5 years after some serious shit went down, and is coming back for pretty much the first time since.  It has that awesome Stiles/Sheriff relationship.  It has a Derek who's gotten over many of his issues and is kind of adorable.  It has scenting.  It has a supernatural crisis.  It has an AMAZINGLY well-done out-of-left-field job for Stiles.  It has flashbacks that add so much to the character development and are just perfect.  It has some fantabulous world-building.  It has the whole gang in such recognizeable, well-developed ways (Guys!!!  Lydia's AWESOME, OMG!!!  Erica's Even Better!!  Allison is KICK-ASS **AND** married to Scott, who's awesome-season-2 Scott all growed up and a vet!!)

Ah-hem.  So, yes, if you like Stiles-centric, and don't mind Sterek, and like long, plotty fics (78578 words.  And I was sad when it ended.  SAD but SATISFIED)  Run, don't walk (or y'know, click really, REALLY fast):

Just Act Normal  by zosofi
some fairly typically-canon-level violence

Author's summary:
If someone had told Stiles back in high school that he would be an Oscar winning actor by the time he turned 25, he would’ve probably told Scott to punch them. The thing is, though…they would’ve been right.
Which makes returning to Beacon Hills, center of all that is supernatural and better left avoided, all the more awkward.

My summary: 
It's awesome, go do yourself a favor and read it. 
What are you waiting for?

whee!, pimp post, o.o, fangirling, squee, teen wolf

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