Should My Sword Fall From My Hand-Art DVD Extras

Aug 28, 2012 23:11

So, no-one else may be interested in this, but I have been asked a couple times about my process, and gotten some "..." in reference to my first sketches when I've collaborated (I always take those as, "but I've seen your other work, and it looks NOTHING like this" dot-dot-dots ;) ), so, since I had about a million and a half in-progress shots, I thought I'd do some DVD Extras :D

Part 1:  Arthur Attacked.

The first drawing I did, and the one I took the longest with, since I started pretty much as soon as Nympha asked me to be her artist :)  Follow the pictures and my very messy writing for a step-by-step :D 

During all that fun drawing part, I also have to search for reference pictures.  These are all the reference pictures I used for 'Arthur Attacked' :)  Including a couple screenshots of me, 'cause I couldn't find what I wanted :-P

Part 2: Merlin Underground

He started off with brown pants :)  I adore Photoshop--no muss no fuss to change them to blue ^_^

Part 3: Water Wings

Not a lot to say about this one.  It was very sketchy, quick, and easy, as it was supposed to look different, as it was a memory :D

Part 4: The Door

Highly inspired by Rodin's The Gates of Hell:

In fact, I shared this with Nypha, and she ended up writing those bits before I drew, and it all just fit together, 'cause we had the same kind of image in mind :D  This one has stuck with me since I saw it at an exhibit when I was 16.  Also, knowing it was a Druid curse, I had to put the Tree of Life in there--going with the reincarnation idea, and how things keep being connected.  I mostly went from this tattoo, which is, as far as I can tell, based on Jen Deylth's version of the tree.  I was running short on time, so I *did* make this a layer in PS, fit it to the ellipse I wanted, and trace :(  I try not to do that too often, but yes, it is a lot quicker that way.  I then removed that layer and shaded and such on my own. 

That was the only part I traced, but I DID often draw something, then copy and flip it for the other side--SOOOOO much easier than trying to do it from scratch. Minor adjustments and voila, two-for-one :D

Part 5:  Cuddle

This one was actually pretty painless.  Good example of how much of a difference shading makes, though ^_^  Also, since I had already drawn Merlin Underground and Arthur Attacked, TOTALLY used the clone stamp tool to re-do the textures on, like, all of them.  Arthur's tee-shirt is the hedge-witch's sleeve texture.  Pallet was also copied and pasted into each illustration. Again, LOVE PS.  :D 

fandom, drawing, art, paperlegends, merlin, whee!, now with pictures, should my sword fall from my hand

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