\o/ /o\ \o/

Aug 29, 2011 21:08

Hi!  Drive-by post to say:

I survived Irene!  So did the house! (more or less... missing some shingles and had to put back up a section of fence)

Work still has no power (yay generators!) so it's CRAZY /o\

I leave for a 3-day weekend (okay, 2.5-day weekend...) tomorrow, so I will continue to be... well, not here.

I'll be back Thursday, and will then begin the task of catching up on comments (yay Big Bang!<3), posts, and the next art piece that's due /o\  Not necessarily in that order.  Not even promising pictures, 'cause I never follow through /o\


whee!, work, o.o, squee, random, life

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