\o/ ... /o\

Jul 23, 2011 01:36

The good news:  I finished the art for one of the Paperlegends Big Bangs! \o/  *twirls*

The bad news:  The other one isn't finished.  And I won't tell you how many drawings are left.  Because it is depressing.

The good news:  Now that the other one is finite, I can concentrate on the "it's-an-artist's-big-bang too" story.

The bad news:  I STILL have to finish sewing up that freaking stuffed horse for the boss-lady's daughter.  Which will have to get done before I can draw more.

The good news:  I'm kinda happy with how the one I just finished turned out--new techniques and playing around FTW!

The bad news:  I have to be at work at 7... later this morning O.O

Good night--I'll be back sometime in August, LOL /o\

whyamistillawake, whee!, drawing, merlin, random

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