GSD: Your Arms Feel Like Home: Mission=Complete!

Jan 23, 2011 04:12

It's done \o/ I'm pretty happy with it, actually :D Okay, well, the blanket annoys me a bit, but oh well. It's 4am, not messing with it any more.

Will be x-posted to the GSD post at Maggie's journal once the new one is up..for now, going to bed O.o

ETA: Because apparently parts of my brain shut off when I'm *that* tired O.o
1) Thanks so much to all the people over at GSD, and of course my lovely f-listers (Hi new people!) for all the cheerleading and comments *\o/*
2) There was definitely a reference picture, because yeah, ANATOMY, so thanks to googleimage for that, though I can't remember where it's from because I saved it like, 2 years ago...
3) Title's from a 3 Doors Down song because I'm lame like that

Apparently great minds think alike! Or something like that... while my reference picture was this one , Vaysh11 and taradiane linked me to a gorgeous manip by eneada that uses the same picture :)

whyamistillawake, hp, whee!, gsd, drawing, art, h/d

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