Advent! Drabbles/Drawbles?

Nov 18, 2010 15:43

Originally posted by beren_writes at adventdrabbles


This is a comm for the holiday season, starting Dec1 and running to Dec25 (or 31st if you wish). The idea is to write one drabble for every day. A drabble is defined as a story of 100wds, but we don't mind if you don't keep to exactly 100 :). You can make it a drabble series or have different unconnected drabbles for each day, or a mixture of both, totally up to you.

Drabbles do not have to be Christmas related, but seasonal might be nice, whether it be snow (for those of us in the north) or lounging on a beach as far away from snow as physically possible.

Gah, if only I could write... I kinda want to do advent*draw*bles.   Anyone know if there's a com for that? LOL.  Some practice doing quick sketches would be nice, because man, I tend to spend way too long on stuff, even when I mean for it to be sketchy.  Hmmm.  I think I'll set it as a challenge to myself to try to post a sketch a day for Advent... anyone have any prompts to help me fill in the 25 days?  Either fandom, winter, Christmas, whatever :D 

pimp post, art, psa

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