Title: Role Of A Lifetime
Wordcount: 422
Rating: PG-14
Warnings: Violence against a non-cis person
Characters: Arthur
Disclaimer: I don't own anything you recognize
Summary: Arthru is not as cut and dry as everyone thinks.
People think Arthur is simple, they think that he's an open book, that people know him inside and out just by looking at him. )
Concrit: You should have someone to beta your fics, because there's some garbled sentences and typos in there that make reading a bit difficult.
Sorry, I'm talking too much, it's been 'A Day' and I'm exhausted and...I don't know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, thank you for reading and putting up my fail typing skills
I would adore if you would be willing to beta for me. Could you do Sherlock fic as well? I happen to be working on a set of stories called The Habits Of Cats that could use the once over for coherency and such as well.
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