Nov 12, 2012 02:59
So, I am pretty damn pleased with life in general at the moment, I has a shiny new toy in the shape of a kindle fire HD, which is shiny, and fun, and costing me sleep with the game playing, lol.
I have finished, wrapped and gotten rid of all of my Christmas shopping for the various people who get presents (and had a private giggle over the looks on their faces when they were given them in the first week of November), also written and appropriately money'd/vouchered, and dispatched all of my Christmas cards.
AND in 27 days (and counting, beleive me, counting) I'm off back to Rome again SQUEEEE!!!, before popping to Southampton to see my goddaughter, and of course my sister, her hubby and the rest of the hoarde.
Fingers, toes, eyes, and everything else crossed that things stay this good at least until after I get back from my holiday