
Jul 25, 2009 00:18

is it when you can stand around twiddling your thumbs and nobody needs you, but the minute you have something that you really need to do, everybody all of a sudden needs you to do something?

is there always a dog lying in the way when you are in a hurry to go to the bathroom?

can't an upper manager come in when you are super busy?  They always seem to come in when it is the slowest and it makes you look like you are doing nothing.

does everybody forget how to drive during the weekend/ holidays/ bad weather?

do children act like little animals right after you told someone how good they are?  And vice versa on this one...why do they behave perfectly after you have complained about how bad their behavior is?  Either way makes you look like a bad parent and/or a liar.

does everybody forget how to read upon entering a grocery store?

does everybody plant way more garden vegetables then what they can use?  Everybody is trying to give away their home grown produce to everybody else...and everybody else has their own garden they have to figure out what to do with.

is it the phone only rings when you are elbow deep in soapy dishwater?

can you pick up pens all day long but when you really need one, you can't find one anywhere?

is breaktime over just when you are getting to the good part in your book?

can't anybody ever hear you when you are talking to them, but they heard you perfectly when you were muttering under your breath?

does "in a minute" always mean "in a couple of hours" if at all?

isn't anybody ever hungry at the same time?

does that missing sock have to mutate into a wire hanger and never into anything useful (like a pen when you desperately need one)?

does nothing sound good when you are hungry, but when you aren't hungry everything sounds good?

does everybody put back the empty milk/margarine/juice/whatever else that fits this particular question container back into the fridge instead of throwing it away?

And lastly...

Why, oh why does that one cabinet door never ever wants to stay shut...ever?!?

Apologies if it sounds like I am complaining here.  I really am not, these are just a few things I have noticed the past couple of days or so.  Feel free to add to this list of unanswerable questions.  (And bonus if someone can actually answer any one of these questions.  Don't ask what your prize may be, because that would require some additional thinking on my part in which I am not necessarily willing to do at this particular moment...ask me again another time, perhaps.  *grin*)


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