Starts giving directions, "I am the definition."
How much juice, what do you mean?
aghast whole, a gashed hole.
not most unlike something you have never seen.
You're going to lose some days, (maybe 7)
You're going to lose someday, (but not quite everything)
She tried wearing extra arms (at least 4 at a time, but there really
just wasn't time for that. The sky lightened, as it did rise,
Perhaps she was just raising her head
(He, of course, was busy raising the dead. In the attic.)
a very large ship behind all of this, on a turbulent sea.
Tragic Magic: "And then we are done."
Technology: "None of your clothes fit anymore. You need more light and less danger."
Your Mother: "And you will be home, my dear."
The Doctor: "You need more sleep! My advice is to not let the boys in."
Tragic Magic: "The blackholes will relax, and fall open. &stars will fallout like diamonds.
and diamonds will fall out of the stars like fallout shelters." (the sign, orange, pointed diagonally west)
Him: "Everything will start to move backwards,"
Tragic Magic: "A fable containing a reflection the size of a match head in its pupil."
and then the Fable said,
"01, 0(X12), 6, 2, 3, 9, 4, 7, 8, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1." and
"Please don't try to reveal so much about yourself when you are so far away from home."
"Chased in circles at the Christmas party
Beneath the chandeliers
Your husband & the Aurora Borealis
Fourteen plus ten is two
The room was dark (but we were not) until someone opened the door
Hidden name
The Field in the Forest / The Forest in the Field
The backroom stops
Where God(dess) is
He wouldn't share, though he had said he would..."
A Magician almost killed by the burning of the midwestern grasslands, "Britney Spears should've let me fuck 'er when she was pregnant! I mean, look at those fucking knees! What is Spider-Man going to do with her on the Moon?!"
Some of these people aren't playing...hence their confusion when they lose.
It all ended quietly. Don't let your dress be tied in a knot.
Remember the temperature? the cloth parted, your trembling lip and leg.
Presumptuous (sumptuous?) atoms,
inadvertent sciences.
Remember the wheat, the orbit of Saturn.