SCBWI Summer Conference - Before

Jul 29, 2010 11:11

I'm off to the airport in about an hour to fly to the SCBWI summer conference -- very exciting!  This is a longer more intensive conference than the one I attended in New York in January.  And there's a hot tub.  Woohoo!

I've tried to winnow down the workshops I'll be attending and have a basic plan: about half craft-related and half business or industry related.  The latter tend to drive me a little batty if I go to too many in a row, as so much of the information presented is repetition repetition repetition of the same old basic facts.  They also tend towards a single viewpoint, instead of the more well-rounded picture I can piece together through the marvelous internet.

But I'm very much looking forward to the craft talks, and most of all to meeting many of my fellow writers.  I'm at the point when I have to decide which project to pursue next, and I'm really torn between a few possibilities, so I'm hoping this weekend will both inspire me and help me decide on my direction for the rest of the year.


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