Yay I just managed to play Plug in Baby by Muse on my guitar.
Anyways I got my Carly pimp money (staff referral incentive bonus from Claire's cos I recommended her) of £150, wooo!! The only prob now is what to do with it. I don't wanna just put it in my bank account and use it to pay the rent n'all cos that's boring.
Ideas so far...
1) Buy lots of pants.
2) Should prob buy Carly a prezzie cos I wouldn't have got the money without her.
3) Buy parents a DVD player
4) Get some Swears! Although I don't know if I can really justify spending that much on a pair of shoes, especially when I have far too many pairs already.
Reasons why Amy isn't allowed on the internet:
I like the Air 19s: (which have other colours in the sale but they're camel and eggshell which I'm not sure about)
Or theeese one is cool:
I dunno.....shoes don't actually improve your life or anything, maybe I should get something better, hmm.....
I've had worse choices to make anyway. :-)