(no subject)

Jun 29, 2010 21:10


okay, it's been awhile since i last posted on my LJ!
i'm always on and off LJ, but anyways....
last weekend was fucking insane because of the G20. shit son.
i felt like i was in Gotham city and the Joker was out causing havoc.
police cars were on fire, people were smashing windows in, vandalism, blatant disregard for other people's security and safety.
surprisingly, i don't think there was much looting involved.
god damn Black Bloc bastards. you inconsiderate fucks.

anyways. i just realized today that i unintentionally started another book series.
i saw it awhile ago, and started reading it about a month or two ago...
i'm almost at the end of this book and i'm like, "god damnit, it feels like the climax, but i'm almost at the end so it doesn't completely make sense, and this story is going no where. i'm going to be left hanging off a cliff when this book finishes."
and sure enough, i flip to the last place and it says, "King Killer Chronicle Day Two : A Wise Man's Fear"
and i'm all like, mother fucker. i didn't really want to start a new fantasy series... at the time... i thought this was going to be a one book thing...
although with fantasy novels, it's never just one book, it's got to be a series.
 i suppose it's not a bad thing.... but this book was published in 2007 and the next book comes out next March.

funny thing, he had to rename it the King Killer Chronicles because the series was originally named The Song of Flame and Thunder *kaff* Song of Ice and Fire *kaff*

so, i just bought the book, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo".
i've seen it before and thought about reading it...i think it's a mystery series....
but what caused me to go and actually buy it was my old company president, Matt Williams,
suggested it... said he finished the whole 3 book series in like 4 days. word.
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