Feb 17, 2010 22:53
so i finished the first God Of War today.
goddamn! there are so many parts in that game where i just wanted to throw my controller at the tv and scream.
i swear if i played that one any longer i would have developed permanent crazy eyes (O_O -- but angrier).
it almost popped a vessal in my brain.... i'm thinking the second one may succeed....
then i wouldn't even live long to see the third and final installment of the series.
it's a short game... and i was wondering... God of War?
it's based in Ancient Greece... surely they meant Aries.
and Aries is in the game. i like how they made this game
specifically to build up to a series... because i mean i thought it was almost perfect.
aside from camera angles and shit.. ugh, i hated that damn camera.
well, seeing that the second installment for a perfect 10/10 from Reviews on the Run,
i'm pretty excited.
also, i've seen a few new videos on Final Fantasy XIII
i'm - sorta - excited.
it looks FANTASTIC!
uhm, and i'm sure it will be amazing....
except... the summons are like.... vehicles? motocycles or something of sorts?
and i don't completely understand the story they're laying out so far.
we'll see. but it looks great.
and i haven't really heard the japanese theme song yet...
but they're making the songs different... one japanese and one english (leona lewis - my hands).
which is new... not just translating and such.
My Hands seems to sound like a classing Final Fantasy theme song,
so i'm not too upset.
still love melodies of life though. bestest. and kiss me goodbye wasn't so bad.
anyways. thanks for allowing me to geek out today. <3