(no subject)

Dec 20, 2009 23:55

so, i've met up with some cousins from the other side.
surprised to hear that they've only learned about me recently.
and i don't think they even know about "m.m."
ugh. it kinda hurt.

and i've been reading a lot of fantasy novels.
where the word "bastard" has been used quite often.
in the cases of characters whom that really are illigetimate children.
and now i sympathize. 'cause that's how i feel.

anyways. A Game Of Thrones is quite an interesting novel.
the 'chapters' are small. they are not numbered.
instead they are labeled with the names of the character who's point of view, if i may...
is being followed.

there isn't really any time line.
and i like the characters. and the fact that the children were given wolves and have such a bond with them.
damn. it's pretty awesome.
i'm not too far along the book yet though. only page 220 ish.... so far.
i bought it like two days ago.

back to work tomorrow.
i think i'm going to end up working 6 days a week until the end of the restaurant.
or maybe just until the end of the season.
i'm closing xmas eve.
and i thought dwayne would be spending it with his family.
and i figured i was going to spend it alone with Sugar.
but it would seem that i have a lot of friends, mainly my managers,
that are working late xmas eve... so by the sounds of it...
we may end up going for some drinks and being merry.
i'm almost hoping that evening is slow. just so i can enjoy it with the people from work.
i mean... it's going to be the last time spending the time with those people.
so i might as well enjoy it seeing that some of them are close, like family.

and i wasn't looking forward to this xmas season at all.
but just knowing that i'll be able to spend some time with a few people that currently matter,
makes me quite happy and i'm looking forward to closing xmas eve.

kay, i'm going to go back to reading.
i skipped the day with one of them cousins, and with my mom
just so i could chill and read.

when Richtree is all over and done with.
i'm going to take some time off and hopefully fix up my living space.
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