I hate Google Chrome, but Firefox is killing my Windows processor (Pentium 4 2.0 GHz, and it's slooooow, or maybe because I've gotten used to C2STK). However, the Incognito window might prove useful sometime.
In other news, saw District 9 with ursula and paigan the other night. Unfreakingbelievable for about 3/4 of the piece, then everybody gets a lobotomy. That being said, it's great to see an action movie that's not completely stupid. Mad props to director Neil Blonkamp, who based the movie on his short film "Alive in Joburg" and not the Halo single-person shooter game, as paigan kept insisting, and first-time feature actor Sharlto Copley, who is a major find. And who, according to IMDB, apparently improvised all his lines. And who, according to me, is Poor Man's Daniel Day-Lewis. (He does too look like DDL. *stomp*)
Props also to Christopher Johnson and wittle Baby Prawn. (Who will return for the sequel I'm willing to become reality - District 10: The Wrath of Prawn. Because I say so.)
From a production perspective, it's mind-boggling to realize that District was produced for a teeny fraction of idiot shoot-'em-ups like the Transformers and GI Joe franchises. Either the rand-dollar exchange rate is really that spectacular (a TON of people were listed in the end credits) or it's actually possible to create fantastic entertainment on a tiny budget if you have, y'know, imagination. See Middleman, The and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog for more.
Just make sure you're not spoiled for ANYTHING.
*tiny note: My dad would have LOVED this movie.
Oooh! ETA:
Five things you didn't know about District 9. Includes a YouTube upload of "Alive in Joburg," which I'll probably see tomorrow cause my head is owie. I hope it hasn't been yanked.
Click AFTER you've seen the movie, please.