But before all that,
this. Dude. Is it wrong that after thinking "Harsh," all I'm hoping for is that Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert got a hold of a box?
And in other news,
NYTimes strings Sarah Palin up by her thumbs. I did not like that creationist little twat on sight, and I'm glad there's actual evidence for the dislike. Although irrational hatred is cool.
Anyway, on to my computer woes.
September will now forever be known in my mind as the month technology dies. I'll need to keep tabs next year, but this year, it's one gadget after another that's keeling over. The computer is still in intensive care, as the shop seems to have activated the virus AGAIN, and now all the stuff in my torrent drive cannot be accessed. It took all my strength not to scream at the Tinytechnician, because despite the fact that the drive was working perfectly fine last Thursday, so this whole thing is definitely his fault, if he ran away crying, I won't have anyplace else to bring the damn thing.
Also, the little fan that's cooling the video card is supposed to not be working as it should, and needs to be replaced. The cost? P1500. IT WAS FINE LAST THURSDAY!!! *shaky fist of anger*
And to top it all off, my DVD players have chosen this week to mess with me, too. The new DVD DIVX-capable player I bought in December as a gift to my dad? It refuses to read discs. Any discs. Original DVDs, burned DVDs, VCDs - even the freaking disc cleaner. Nothing. And Christopher is acting up - sometimes he plays discs, sometimes he doesn't. Sometimes I take the disc out, air it a little on the electric fan, and those ones he acknowledges. Sometimes.
What is with this technology weirdness? Like ursula lear, I was actually blaming the LHC (current verdict:
Not yet. Give it time), because the woes didn't start until last week. If my refrigerator starts talking to me, I'll know something's up.