ConDFW is coming up this weekend. This is always one of our favorite cons, and is held in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. (Funny how the drive between Houston and DFW is so much more pleasant without a hurricane at your back!)
My con schedule is as follows:
- Saturday - 11 am - Thunder before Lightning: Researching reality (Canterbury). Hosted by Amy Sisson(M), Frances May, Taylor Anderson.
Which came first: the chicken or the egg? Does thunder always strike when you mention Voldemort's name? Our experts discuss researching what is often forgotten in writing - making things believable requires a basis in fact. Anyone can make up words, but only you could attach meanings to them.
- Saturday - 12 pm - Escape from the Slush Pile (Canterbury). Hosted by Kerry Tolan (M), Selina Rosen, Amy Sisson, Richard D. Weber.
As the number of hopeful writers increase, the number of submissions increase. Piles upon piles of stories overwhelm every publisher and editor, and they have to make draconian decisions on what makes it... and what is tossed in the slush pile. Our esteemed panelists discuss how to avoid being buried in the pile, and the mistakes to look out for.
- Saturday - 5 pm - Autograph Session.
- Sunday - 12 pm - Writers to Keep An Eye On... (Warwick). Hosted by Paul Black (M), Bradley H. Sinor, Amy Sisson, J.M. McDermott.
An annual discussion, our panelists have a lively discussion on who are the upwardly mobile in writing. Who has a good handle on writing? Who is a hack and won't stick around long? Expect opinions to fly hot and heavy - and no referees.
Hope to see many from the flist there!