Monday Monday ba ba-ba-ba baa

Jun 09, 2003 03:34

Puggie's still in here in my room and prefers the closet but he's a hider anyway. I pray I got that steroid (Prednisone) in him with his antibiotics. Got quite a few steroids to give him, probably another week's worth. He did voluntarily get in the litter box and I do believe that was his little bit of pee yesterday so at least he's urinating some as far as I know. It's hard when he's on nummies and ALL the babies want nummies so they try and haul ace in here. So I end up leaving at least 1 or 2 of the babies in here and it's hard to monitor who peed how much.

Madonna's babies are a week old today. Praise the Lord.

Sis IM'd me two nights ago. There was nothing I had to say to her other than to let her know by my very short responses that I was not at all pleased with her.
It went like this:

SIS [3:26 AM]: sis, what are you doing up so late?
ME [3:26 AM]: worrying
ME [3:26 AM]: how are you
SIS [3:27 AM]: are you okay?
I'm doing the best I can with spending time at moms with Lauren and trying to keep up with things around here. I'm sorry if you feel I have left you out :(
SIS [3:27 AM]: I'm okay
SIS [3:27 AM]: just tired
SIS [3:27 AM]: you ?
ME [3:27 AM]: it's ok
ME [3:27 AM]: how's Nornie?
SIS [3:28 AM]: Sis, you mean the world to me!!!!!!!!
SIS [3:28 AM]: she's fine
ME [3:28 AM]: how did court go?
SIS [3:28 AM]: Donnie didn't show up for court on Thursday
ME [3:28 AM]: good
SIS [3:28 AM]: I went and my attorney
ME [3:28 AM]: what happened?
SIS [3:28 AM]: haven't heard anything as of yet
SIS [3:28 AM]: nothing yet
ME [3:28 AM]: the judge didn't sentence or anything?
SIS [3:28 AM]: nope, can't do
ME [3:29 AM]: hmm
SIS [3:29 AM]: weird
ME [3:29 AM]: did work go ok
SIS [3:29 AM]: I worked 3 hours today, then went to moms till 8
SIS [3:29 AM]: came home and had mowing to doq
SIS [3:29 AM]: never ending :(
ME [3:29 AM]: busy
SIS [3:29 AM]: yes :(
SIS [3:30 AM]: not enough hours in the day
ME [3:30 AM]: not for all that
SIS [3:30 AM]: I keep getting dizzy at work :(
ME [3:30 AM]: from what?
SIS [3:30 AM]: anxieties :(
ME [3:30 AM]: I figured
SIS [3:31 AM]: trying to get my life back in order and it may not happen just as I planned :(
SIS [3:31 AM]: I love the job thou
ME [3:31 AM]: what may not happened as planned
SIS[3:31 AM]: don't know if I can handle the job or not :(
SIS [3:31 AM]: I'll keep trying
ME [3:31 AM]: that's ok, no one says that you have to
SIS [3:32 AM]: thank you sissy
ME [3:32 AM]: the money is nice, you need it but it's not worth causing you stress
ME [3:32 AM]: you're welcome
SIS [3:32 AM]: I'd still be calling you regularly if James hadn't turned off my OLD cell phone. That Plan is NOT available any longer
ME [3:32 AM]: that's ok
ME [3:33 AM]: when you had it, I didn't hear from you much anyway
SIS [3:33 AM]: no it's not ok. he's the one that talked me into signing on with his plan !!!! I had my OWN
ME [3:34 AM]: well, you got a cell phone for emergencies so that's nice
SIS [3:34 AM]: what time will you be online tomorrow ?
ME [3:34 AM]: not sure
SIS [3:34 AM]: when I get up I'll check to see if your online, if you are, I'll call you
ME [3:34 AM]: k
SIS [3:34 AM]: I need to rest. I've been doing med test every nite after work and I am very tired
ME [3:34 AM]: ok
ME [3:35 AM]: get some rest
SIS [3:35 AM]: LOVE YOU !!!!!!! (((((((((((((BIG HUGS))))))))))
ME [3:35 AM]: love you
SIS [3:35 AM]: YOU get some rest too sissy !!!
Auto response from ME [3:35 AM]: I'm actually playing online games right now. If you need me, call me. :) (it takes up the entire screen so I can't tell if you're IM'ing me or not)

So alllllllll those sad faces didn't phase me a freakin bit. What you DIDN'T see was the first part of the IM that said, "Hi Sis, sorry about your baby. I've been busy, me me me me me me me me me me...........".
Sorry about my baby????????? When Tiny (her Tibetan Spaniel) died, I sent her a gorgeous plant that doesn't die as long as you take care of it in rememberance of Tiny and called and called and listened to her cry and everything about her loss.

Her? NOTHING. And as per her IM she said she'd call and of course she didn't.

I do believe she's going to get the email (since I can't actually say it to her b/c she doesn't call when she says she's going to) that she has been deserving for a LONG time. The jist of it of which is as long as you have a dick in the house, you have NO need for anyone else. Forget you ever knew me.

I really don't mean for her to forget she ever knew me but I'm EXTREMELY hurt that she chooses an R. Kelly approach to men and forgets everyone else. I'm just sick of taking a back seat to her string of men.

I don't even know why she continually invites me up there. Probably b/c there's no dick in the house. Whuevah.

Bottom line: I'm sick to pieces of letting people stomp on me and when I say something (for instance with Abby's attitude), I am COMPLETELY chastised for it and called a loon. From Abby I don't care anymore. But I think if I tell Sis exactly what I think, she'll either call here crying and throw a guilt trip on me which I will NOT fall for or she will "give me a break to calm down".

Neither of those things I want. I want her to be the person that she is (or was) to me and our relationship for so many years. I need her to be consistant and follow through with her promises like I do for her.

Anyhoo... been trying to get ahold of Dawn to see if our appt. is today and if not, I can meet early this morning if she wants to. I've got a LOT to talk about and also, about my medical card situation. I'm just having a heck of a time getting through.

Oh, I FINALLY won Showbiz Slots. My life is complete. ;)
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