I am in awe of the well wishes that we have been receiving... Thank you everyone for being such lovely people and touching our lives.
Claire over at Loobylu (
http://www.loobylu.com ) mentioned us on her blog and people from all over the world have been visiting the amy rue site and this live journal. I've been such a fan of Loobylu this past year and I didn't even know that she knew about me... Sometimes the world is a small place.
Another one of our angels is Lindsey from Yankee Girl Designs (
http://www.lindseyandray.com/ygd ). Today we got a package from her in the mail with all sorts of fun things for us and our babies. My little girl gasped with delight at each thing I pulled out and then covered herself in the monkey stickers as she sang along to the cd. Hans and I were both smiling... and well, we haven't smiled much lately so that means a lot.
We finally have an appointment at M.D. Anderson in Houston! August 1st!
I alternate between being excited that we finally have an appointment and itchy that it is still a week away.
So I have a week to clean up the Lumpling studio here... I've been putting that off for quite a while and there are piles of fabric, lumpling bodies, books, ribbons. Chaos, really.
Hans and I will miss our little boy's first day of Kindergarten. That breaks my heart, but my son is so excited about going to school that he isn't very concerned about us being there. We are lucky that we have the best neighbors in the world and they will be taking Finn to school and helping him with everything.
Hans is still a bit weak because his blood level is so low. The tumor in his stomach is bleeding. In a weird way we are actually lucky that it is bleeding... otherwise we wouldn't have caught the cancer at stage two. Stomach cancer is rare in the united states, especially in younger people, so it isn't usually caught until stage 4. And at stage 4 they usually won't operate on you...your only chance is some chemo in the hope that it will shrink the tumor.
I am so ready to get him to Houston.