Ficlet Three

Jun 01, 2008 11:10

It’s a rare and magical occasion, a seemingly impossible confluence of a sunny Cardiff and an almost suspiciously quiet Rift. The amazement had affected Jack so profoundly that he’d given the entire team the day off. Owen, Gwen and Toshiko had wondered, briefly, if their boss was feeling all right, but understandably hadn’t hung around long enough to ask. Only Ianto had remained in the Hub, tidying. He seemed happy enough, enjoying the peace and listening to Jack singing to himself.

He didn’t notice Jack sneaking up behind him until he wrapped his arms around his waist, resting his chin on Ianto’s shoulder. “Come on, gorgeous. Come for a walk in the sun.”

Knowing it was useless to resist, he let Jack lead him up to the streets above.

It was indeed a beautiful day. Ianto had grown up in Cardiff, and had seen all the changes and improvements of recent years, and whilst he missed certain things about the city, he had to admit it was better these days. His home city looked beautiful, almost glamorous, in the bright sunlight.

** ** **

Jack was in an exceptionally good mood, laughing and joking and feeling better than he had in months. It was warm and sunny, the Rift was silent, he was no longer merely passing time and waiting for the Doctor … and he was with Ianto. The promise of days like these had sustained him through some dark moments in a year few people remembered.

He would’ve liked to have taken Ianto’s hand, and possibly engaged in a few naughtier public displays of affection, but he deferred to Ianto’s more modest sensibilities - more modest in public, anyway - and contented himself with fleeting, seemingly accidental touches when no-one was looking.

They wandered into a park, filled with laughing, happy people. Jack, lost in his own world, suddenly realised that Ianto was no longer at his side. He spun around and saw he was standing a few paces back, a vague horror-stricken expression on his face, and two small children wrapped around his legs. A woman, sitting on a blanket on the grass, was waving at him. The children ran off towards her.

Jack walked back over to Ianto and whispered in his ear. “Who’re they?”

Ianto groaned. “My family. My aunt Alison and her children.” He turned to Jack, wincing at the giddy expression on his face.

“Your family? I get to meet your family?”


Ianto’s aunt had got to her feet, brushing grass from her jeans. “Hello, Ianto! It’s been a long time. You’re still in Cardiff, then?”

“Yes. Morning, Alison. You look very well.”

She beamed at him, and then her gaze shifted to Jack, a slight question in her eyes.

“Right, yes. Sorry. Jack, this is my aunt Alison. Alison, this is Jack.”

Ianto’s aunt smiled and said hello, but it was clear her question hadn’t really been answered. Jack, meanwhile, was already ingratiating himself with Ianto’s niece and nephew. Ianto smiled; he’d seen this before. Jack was brilliant with children. And children loved Jack. Already they were laughing and giggling with him, and little Thomas had climbed halfway onto his shoulders. Eleven-year-old Megan was a little shyer, but quickly came around.

Ianto nodded at Jack, an amused grin on his face. “Off you go.” Jack instantly dashed away with the kids, and Ianto sat down on the blanket next to his aunt.

“So … who’s Jack? Or did you just let someone you hardly know run off with my kids?”

“He’s my boss.” Ianto wasn’t looking at her as he spoke; instead his eyes were following Jack as he chased around the grass with more energy than both of the children combined.

“Oh. I see. Sandwich?”

For a little while they talked about the weather and the family, and Ianto neatly evaded questions about his job. Eventually Alison went to retrieve the children and Jack returned, dropping down next to Ianto on the blanket, completely out of breath.

“Do you want me to leave?”

Ianto shot him a confused look. “Why would I want that?”

“You know … family time?”

He turned to face Jack directly. “That can include you, you know.”

Jack looked across to Ianto’s family and saw that all of them were looking in his direction. “They wonder, you know. About us.”

Ianto smiled and waved to his family. “Let them wonder.”

** ** **
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