An Epilogue, Or Is It A Bridge?
If anyone had peered through the dusty window, they would have seen two men lying, unconscious, on the rough stone floor. They would have seen the taller man with the unruly brown hair sit up, slowly, touching his arms and his face, as though it had been a while since he’d felt them. Then they would have seen him
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Yeah, I think the Master likes to act and force the Doctor to react because this way the Master will be in control of the situation while the Doctor will have to get his defences up. By saying "I love you" the Doctor unintentionally reversed their "roles" and it's not just that the Master suddenly has to react, quite the disadvantage, but the Doctor also did something very daring and brave, so yeah, he's totally won this round and the Master so didn't see that coming!
On a bit of a different note, someone else recently said that they believe that underneath it all the Master really trusts the Doctor, deeply, which yes, makes a whole lot of sense I think. I've always thought it was...interesting that the Master would admit quite freely to the Doctor that he was so scared of the war that he ran away to the end of the universe and made himself human. He was scared so he ran while the Doctor stayed even though he surely must have been scared, too. Normally you'd consider being scared a weakness or perhaps even a sign of cowardice in this case but the Master just goes and admits to it and the Doctor of course understands. The Doctor is the only one (left) he'd ever talk to about it. They're indeed best everything, aren't they?
Sometimes I think it's quite a shame I'm only familiar with New Who and have never seen any of the classic Master/Doctor episodes.
Yes, I think that's true, and very interesting. I wrote a bit about that in my super-long fic (the one I always regretted starting) called "The Road to ..." The Doctor has some technological whosit which shows the Time War, and the Master freaks. It's probably around Chapter 3, and was the best bit to write.
Still working on the fic. I'm writing but I'm not happy enough with it to post it. All through the 1913 one I felt really happy with it, and couldn't wait to post it, and I'm just not getting that feeling with the sequel. I'll keep trying, though.
If you can, you have to watch some Classic episodes with the Master. I haven't seen all of them myself (yet - I'm working on it!) but some of them are brilliant. Probably the best one that's out on DVD is The Sea Devils (Third Doctor) but there are some good Fifth Doctor ones too. Oh, and The Mark of the Rani, which is the Sixth Doctor, is good too.
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