1. What's the weather like?
2. When is the last time you felt appreciated?
3. What is the last bad news you heard?
4. What is your favorite sad song?
5. Tell us about something you're obsessed with:
1. Well On Wednesday it snowed from dark green apocalyptic skies, today the sun came out and it was a fairly warm evening. But I am really longing for some April warmth.
2. Most nights when I get home and Ian hugs me. Yesterday Heather called from Scranton, it makes me feel appreciated that I rate a call while she's so busy.
3. Lots of bad news lately. Last Fri was Mike's last day so we have no IT support at work, last Wed Rich gave notice, yesterday we scheduled Ian's operation (not really bad news but sad). Seems every other day lately there is at least a smidgen of bad news.
4. A Better Daughter by Rilo Kiley, Chip Away Boy by Frank Black and the Catholics, Damaged Goods by Christine Lavin and as cliche as it is Hallelu=jah (the Jeff Buckley version.)
5. I'm obsessed with Buffy (and Spuffy) and Veronica Mars (and Lo/Ve) which I really think are just symptoms of being obsessed with the idea of a strong but flawed even broken woman making her way in the world and finding someone who loves her not in spite of the rough edges and broken places but because of them. I am obsessed with fiction of any type that features strong, smart, caring men. And if those men are more than a little grey and at least a little broken even better - Harry Dresden, John Taylor, Jean-Claude, Spike