
Aug 19, 2010 07:42

sometimes I wish I can still talk to you. because even when I can choose to talk to Hannah Zuh Syidah or Cynthia, it won't be e same.

I wish I can tell you how I feel. but I don't to look like some kind of a loser. I'm happy to see you happy but at the same time, it hurts alot seeing you happy cos i know it means that you've already moved on without me.

Losing you was like losing a huge part of myself. because loving you made me smile after that bad depression I had before. you filled up that hole in my heart that I've always had. but losing you meant losing that whole heart.

everyday I tell myself it's stupid to cry to mourn over it. I tell myself that I will find someone better to fill my heart, but each time I get stronger to stand up, I fall again. each time I start smiling, I cry again...

I never once asked God to return you to me because deep down I know it's impossible.

you know me better than any of my friends or family member. you were one person I can always turn to in times of happiness and sorrow. but I've lost you. I've lost that listening ear. I've lost my heart.

I guess I'm more depressed about going back to my old state of depression. but really I just want to move on and be as happy as you are.

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