Jun 29, 2008 19:27

im currently super duper truper angry.

i dun have videos or pics. cos im lazy to dl and make caps.
but im just soooo pissed at hw e cordis threw key aside.

so tdy they had a special stage, they danced to run it.
hyun and onew sang abit...

den they did replay.
the boys had new clothes. red tees with nice designs on e front.
hyun's even had a no 8 on his back.

they made my key wear a reused polo.
i suck at brands. but he wore e same tee as e one he wore during sukira.
and if u have me on msn, its e red polo dat he wears on my disp pic.
ITS SUPER PLAIN! plus its a polo tee. and its nt e same shade of red as e rest.

omg. hw could they bully my key.


will update on shineesg lunch soon.

key, shinee

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