Amyranth's Halloween party:
aiko273 dressed as a disgruntled invitation.
aquarianfae dressed as a rat.
blackbirdie dressed as Zachary Taylor, and it suited them all too well.
bunny_tsukino dressed as Thomas Jefferson.
djpsykotiko dressed as the Governor of Texas.
endymion dressed as Remus Lupin.
fluorescentsoul dressed as the Yellow Power Ranger.
haruka_kou dressed as the Viscount of Excelstroxkac.
kayla_kagome dressed as a goblin, though it looked more like Heidi Klum riding a dog.
michiru_kou dressed as the main character of "The Bridge on the River Kwai".
mistandcocoon dressed as a new superhero: Steel Tiger.
nikkkitheunholy dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Oval Sorceror.
opera_ghost dressed as P Diddy.
pwraven dressed as something gallant, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
rushifaa dressed as the love child of Bill Gates and Britney Spears.
sadalice dressed as the King of Sierra Leone.
sailor_phobos dressed as Ashley Judd.
seiya dressed as the Archbishop of Oerkvanopolis, though it looked more like a third baseman for the Braves.
sethimothy dressed as the Lazy Power Ranger.
star_fighter dressed as a computer.
sunseenli dressed as Tom Cruise, though it looked more like the Marquis of Black Elm.
the_calzone didn't dress up, spoilsport.
vwelyn dressed as Drew Barrymore riding a ferret.
xxxantiyouxxx dressed as a mummy.
Throw your own party at the
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