Long time no update...Part I

Apr 12, 2006 17:00

I'm going to do this update in a few different parts because there's so much to report on.

Jumping back to last Wednesday...
I went in to Deansgrange (South Dublin) to Rob's house where we hung out for a bit before bussing in to Dublin for his band's gig. I hung around for soundcheck and endured the pain of two other bands who were really really bad! Rob's band (he plays drums) Syllian Rayle put on a great show though.

The next morning I slept in nice and late before making my way back in to Dublin to catch a bus to Galway. Three and a half hours later I was in Galway and headed straight for the hostel I had checked out online before getting on the bus. Four hours ago they had availability but by the time I showed up they were completely booked for that night and the next. This hostel supplied towels and free breakfast and was the reason I didn't pack a towel. So I wandered back to the one star joint I stayed in for one night on my last trip to Galway. It seems, in retrospect, that my exhaustion from walking all over town last time helped to blur the true nature of this place. Upon arrival this time I noticed how much of a dump it really was. I'm REALLY not picky about where I sleep at the end of the day, considering I have slept in far worse places, sometimes ones without roofs for example, throughout my travels. But seriously, for Ireland this place was a first class dump. Oh, and no towels.

I dumped off all my stuff and then went hunting for a supermarket. Deciding that buying a few key things there and making dinner for myself would seriously cut down on the grease and expense of eating out all weekend, I was pleased to find a SuperValu just around the corner from the hostel, where I picked up some fruit smoothie, yogurt, tuna, and apples for €3.72. After dinner I wandered up Shop St. and passed a guy stamping free passes to a nightclub, Cuba. I wasn't planning on going out that night as I was feeling a little sluggish from the bus ride, but after that it was hard to pass up.

The club ended up being fairly shit, the music was bad and I was there by myself, but I met some cool guys who were studying at the college in Galway, and we ended up having fun. The next day they called me up and took my for breakfast where they made me eat this stuff that looked innocent enough but didn't seem to suit a breakfast platter, and they seemed a little over enthusiastic about the fact that I had no idea what it was. "Go on now, it's just pudding, won't bite." After I had downed both little 'pucks' they informed that it was called Black and White Pudding, and was cow intestine and blood. Mmmm...
After breakfast the boys suggested that we all go have a pint to soothe our bodies from the previous night's drinking. They took me to a very traditional Irish pub in the centre of Galway, called Tis Coili, known for it's traditional music nights - the best in the town. After that I wandered back to hostel and on my way up the stairs to take a much needed nap the owner passed by and asked me if I enjoyed my pint. Galway is a large town at its biggest.

The site of our 10am. drinking.

Galway Bay.

I love all the old Guinness advertising around town. These two were painted on the sides of The Dew Drop Inn pub.

After my nap I did some window shopping around town. I really enjoying getting to know a city by getting lost in it. The last time I was in Galway I didn't think I had a very good handle on the layout of the city but it seemed to be a lot better this time around. I knew where I was going most of the time and recognised places easily. It's kind of a nice feeling! I found a bookstore and picked up a couple things, a soft cover to take backpacking with me (something I overlooked when packing - I only brought hardcovers to read in Ireland and there's no way I'm lugging one of them to Africa), Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Hunter S. Thompson) which I started last night as a break from Shake Hands with the Devil - because I, like everyone I know who's read it, felt the need for a break about halfway through it when it became overwhelmingly depressing. The third book is a hilarious anti-travel book, made for all those people who have zero desire to get out and see the world. It picks places from every corner of the world and tells you all the reasons you wouldn't want to go there anyway. I'm going to post the article they wrote on Paris closer to my departure.***

After dinner I went out to the same club I went to the last Friday I was in Galway. The amazing world music night at Club Arus Na NGael. Once again I had an AMAZING time. The music was brilliant and the people there are a lot of fun. The crowd always gets really in synch, there's just this good energy from everyone there. I think, if it's possible, I might have danced TOO much though. The next day I certainly felt the effects (I wasn't drinking that night) of some pulled muscles in my neck and stomach, and legs that throbbed from exhaustion. The people I met there were great, and I said I'd keep in touch in case I make it back there one more time before flying off. Everyone in Galway seems to be really laid back and cool. I found out the next day that there's about 70,000 people that live in the whole area, and with 2 colleges hosting about 15,000 full time students, it's not surprising there are so many nice young people floating about.

MY APOLOGIES ABOUT THE PIXELATED PICTURES -- It seems as though my photo host is compressing my large, high quality photos, and when I add them to this site and specify their size, it stretches them back out, causing that yucky blurred look. I'll try and find a way around that, but in the meantime it's all I have so try and enjoy!

***PARIS: Oh! I bought a plane ticket to Paris (€58.00 including taxes, thank you Ryanair) I'm popping over there on April 24th to visit my friend Jeff who's eagerly studying his butt off at school there. I'll be there until April 29th, so I should get to see a fair bit of the city.

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